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IFS Connect for Importing GL vouchers transferred from Kyriba to IFS Cloud

The purpose of this page is to provide a guide on how to configure IFS Connect for importing GL Vouchers transferred from Kyriba to IFS Cloud. The import is either triggered from Accounting Rules/Voucher/External Voucher/Kyriba Voucher Load Information or as a Scheduled Database Task. Each import (Application Message) will be represented by a record in the Kyriba Voucher Load Information page.

After setting up the required basic data and the routing rules in IFS Connect, the user can automatically access GL Vouchers from a pre-defined process template in Kyriba. Please refer IFS Cloud Documentation for more information for the basic data setup required for this integration.

REST endpoints exposed by Kyriba for this Integration

In this Integration Kyriba exposes two REST endpoints, which is accessed by IFS to,

  1. Create a task to import the GL Vouchers from Kyriba.

  2. Fetch the GL Vouchers transferred from Kyriba to IFS Cloud.

1. Example connect configuration for Creating a task to Import the GL Vouchers from Kyriba

Kyriba uses specific Process Templates, per each specific function, which creates a task when it is launched. The task is executed asynchronously. For importing GL Vouchers transferred from Kyriba, this task should be executed via a REST endpoint.

  • Routing Rule: Example_Execute_GL_Transactions_Kyriba_Task

  • Routing Address: Example_Execute_GL_Transactions_Kyriba_Task

Configure Routing Address
  1. Navigate to Routing Addresses.
  2. Transport connector should be REST.
  3. Go to REST Address Data and fill the information as follows.
  4. Rest Root End Point: Provide the Kyriba REST endpoint URL for Upload Data API. (Example
  5. Make sure to use the process template ID IFS_GL_EXP ,specific to importing GL Vouchers from Kyriba, as shown in the Example URL above.
  6. Client Id: The client identifier issued by Kyriba.
  7. Client Secret: The client secret issued by Kyriba.
  8. Token Endpoint: Provide the Kyriba REST endpoint URL for Authentication of KYRIBA APIs. (Example
  9. Rest HTTP Method should be POST.
Configure Routing Rule
  1. Navigate to Routing Rules.
  2. Routing Rule Direction should be Outbound.
  3. Select APPLICATION_MESSAGE as Route From and ensure that the Enabled toggle is On.
  4. Enter a proper description in the Rule Name.
  5. Do not set a queue and select Finish.
  6. Navigate to group Content Based Conditions, and click on '+' icon. Add a condition as follows.
  7. MESSAGE_FUNCTION as Search, equals as Operation and KYRIBA_GL_TRANS_CREATE_TASK as Match.
  8. Navigate to group Destination Addresses and select Set Destination Address.
  9. Search for the Routing Address created above and select it.

2. Example connect configuration for fetching the GL Vouchers trasnferred from Kyriba to IFS Cloud

Kyriba provides a specific REST endpoint to fetch the GL Vouchers transferred from Kyriba to IFS Cloud.

  • Routing Rule: Example_Fetch_GL_Transactions_Kyriba_Records

  • Routing Address: Example_Fetch_GL_Transactions_Kyriba_Records

Configure Routing Address
  1. Navigate to Routing Addresses.
  2. Transport connector should be REST.
  3. Go to REST Address Data and fill the information as follows.
  4. Rest Root End Point: Provide the Kyriba REST endpoint URL for Exporting data through Process Template API . (Example )
  5. Client Id: The client identifier issued by Kyriba.
  6. Client Secret: The client secret issued by Kyriba.
  7. Token Endpoint: Provide the Kyriba REST endpoint URL for Authentication of KYRIBA APIs. (Example
  8. Rest HTTP Method should be GET.
Configure Routing Rule
  1. Navigate to Routing Rules.
  2. Routing Rule Direction should be Outbound.
  3. Select APPLICATION_MESSAGE as Route From and ensure that the Enabled toggle is On
  4. Enter a proper description in the Rule Name.
  5. Do not set a queue and select Finish.
  6. Navigate to group Content Based Conditions, and click on '+' icon. Add a condition as follows.
  7. MESSAGE_FUNCTION as Search, equals as Operation and KYRIBA_GL_TRANS_RESPONSE as Match.
  8. Navigate to group Destination Addresses and select Set Destination Address.
  9. Search for the Routing Address created above and select it.