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Enable Permission for Integration User in Maintenix

For Allowable Configuration to connect with and access the required Maintenix API, you must enable the required permissions for a suitable role, and assign this role to the user who will be carrying out integration tasks.

Note: For more information on user creation and role assignment in Maintenix, see the Maintenix Administration Guide / Application administration / User management.

Follow these steps to enable the necessary permissions for the integration user's role:

  1. Log in to the Maintenix application, and select the drop down next to the Maintenix home button.
  2. Select Administrator from the menu the loads, and select Role Search.
  3. Search for the required role, and click on it.
  4. For the integration user to be able to publish part groups from IFS Cloud to Maintenix, locate and open the Permissions tab, and search for the API_MCM_PARTGROUP_PARM parm. Select the check-box next to the record, and click on the Enable button.
  5. For the integration user to be able to publish configuration slot changes from IFS Cloud to Maintenix, locate the API_RECORD_TRANSFER_IMPORT parm, and enable it as well.