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Set up a User as a Supervisor

To set up a user as a supervisor to work with the IFS Cloud Web Mobile Maintenance for Aviation application, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to IFS Cloud Web as the IFS Application owner.

  2. If you wish to create a new end user to work as a supervisor, navigate to the User or Users page located in the Solution Manager folder and create the user. Note: If you create a new user in IFS Cloud, you must set up the appropriate organizational data for the new user in Maintenix. Alternatively, you can assign an existing user who will work as a maintenance supervisor. To grant the permissions required for a supervisor to a new or existing user perform step 7. For more information see Users.

  3. On the Permission Set page, search for the MM_SUPERVISOR permission set. Note: This permission set contains pre-defined permissions for supervisor workflow related projections and actions. It can further be edited based on requirements.

  4. If the supervisor is required to add or update flights in Mobile Maintenance for Aviation alone, using the record sub-menu on the left, click Projections and add the FlightHandling projection for the ADCOM component in the Granted Projections section. For more information, see Projections and Lobby Pages.

  5. If the supervisor must monitor fluid consumption, using the record sub-menu on the left, click Projections and add the FlmAssemblyFluidConsumptionHandling projection for the FLMEXE component in the Granted Projections section. For more information, see Projections and Lobby Pages.

  6. If leveraging IFS Tooling in Mobile Maintenance for Aviation, you may also see fit to add the projections based on if the supervisor needs to view tools added on tasks and faults and make sure that the right tools are added to the tasks/faults. To verify the availability when tasks should be executed, analyze the tool demands against capacity and then reserve tools for tasks, a supervisor would also need access to the FlmResourceAllocationGanttHandling projection in the FLMEXE component to analyze tool resource availability as well as projections in the GENRES component namely ResourceGroupsHandling, NewResourceGroup, ResourceDetailsHandling, ResourceIndividualsHandling, ResourcesHandling, and ParentsPerResourcesHandling.

  7. If required, grant the permission sets in the table below based on the supervisor's requirement. Using the record sub-menu, click Grant Structure and grant the following permissions in the Granted Permission Sets section. For more information, see Grant Structure.

    Requirement Permission to grant
    Require grants of all the end user related projections and actions for Digital Signature FND_DSS_ASST_ENDUSER
    Require grants of Digital Signature service user FND_DSS_ASST_SERVICE
    Require grants of all the end user related projections and actions for Remote Assistance FND_REM_ASST_ENDUSER
    Require grants to create and read Attachments / Documents in IFS Cloud DOCUMENT_ATTACHMENT_CLOUD
  8. If the supervisor must monitor fluid consumption, add the FLUID CONSUMPTION LOBBY, using the record sub-menu, click Lobby Pages and then Add in the Granted Lobby Pages section. For more information, see Projections and Lobby Pages.

  9. Using the record sub-menu, click Users Granted, and in the Users Granted section, add a required user as a supervisor, to grant access to the permission set you created. For more information, see Users Granted.