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Generate Aircraft Configuration File From ATCM

Aircraft type or assembly type configuration data must be loaded to IFS Cloud for aircraft type configuration information to be available for Mobile Maintenance for Aviation.

Customers with the Aviation Technical Content Manager (ATCM) solution can migrate the information from ATCM to Mobile Maintenance (MM) for Aviation.

In the IFS Cloud database, map the MM tables to ATCM as indicated below and write a script to generate a csv file.

Table in ADCOM (MM) Attribute Data Type Usage in MM Table in CFGMR (ATCM) Attribute Data Type
av_part_number part_number_id opr_part_tab
manufacturer TEXT(16) manufacturer_code TEXT(16)
part_number TEXT(40) oem_part_no TEXT(100)
part_name TEXT(80) part_name TEXT(80)
inventory_class_code TEXT(8) inv_class_code TEXT(8)
part_use Not used
mx_unique_key SELECT mx_key FROM opr_key_map_tab WHERE ifs_key = opr_part_tab.part_id AND table_name = 'opr_part_tab'; TEXT(200)
Table in ADCOM (MM) Attribute Data type Usage in MM Table in CFGMGR (ATCM) Attribute Data Type
av_part_group part_group_id opr_part_group_tab
aircraft_type_code TEXT(8) assm_code TEXT(8)
assembly_type_code TEXT(8) assm_code TEXT(8)
config_slot_code TEXT(50) SELECT config_slot_code FROM opr_config_slot_tab WHERE config_slot_id = opr_part_group_tab.config_slot_id; TEXT(50)
part_group_code TEXT(50) part_group_code TEXT(50)
part_group_name TEXT(100) part_group_name TEXT(100)
inventory_class_code TEXT(8) inv_class_code TEXT(8)
part_quantity NUMBER quantity NUMBER
applicability_range TEXT(4000) effectivity TEXT(4000)
is_common_hardware Boolean
conditions_desc TEXT(4000) condition TEXT(4000)
mx_unique_key SELECT mx_key FROM opr_key_map_tab WHERE ifs_key = opr_part_group_tab.part_group_id AND table_name = 'opr_part_group_tab/part_group_key';
Table in ADCOM (MM) Attribute Data Type Usage in MM Table in CFGMGR (ATCM) Attribute Data Type
av_part_group_part part_group_part_id opr_pg_part_tab
part_group_id part_group_id NUMBER
part_no_id part_id NUMBER
is_standard Boolean is_standard TEXT(5)
is_approved Boolean is_approved TEXT(5)
mx_unique_key SELECT (mx_key || ':' || (SELECT mx_key FROM opr_key_map_tab WHERE (ifs_key = opr_pg_part_tab.part_group_id AND table_name = 'opr_part_group_tab/part_group_key'); TEXT(100)
Table in ADCOM (MM) Attribute Data Type Usage in MM Table in CFGMGR Attribute Data Type
av_config_slot config_slot_code TEXT(50) opr_config_slot_tab config_slot_code TEXT(50)
assembly_type_code TEXT(8) assm_code TEXT(8)
aircraft_type_code TEXT(8) assm_code TEXT(8)
class_code TEXT(16) config_slot_class TEXT(8)
parent_aircraft_type_code TEXT(16) assm_code TEXT(8)
parent_config_slot_code TEXT(40) SELECT config_slot_code FROM opr_config_slot_tab WHERE config_slot_id = opr_config_slot_tab.parent_config_slot_id; TEXT(50)
config_slot_status TEXT(8) not used
config_slot_name TEXT(100) config_slot_name TEXT(100)
is_mandatory Boolean is_mandatory Boolean
number_of_positions not used
Table in ADCOM (MM) Attribute Data Type Usage in MM Table in CFGMGR (ATCM) Attribute Data Type
av_config_slot_position config_slot_position_id opr_positions_tab
config_slot_code SELECT config_slot_code FROM opr_config_slot_tab WHERE config_slot_id = opr_positions_tab.config_slot_id; TEXT(50)
aircraft_type_code SELECT assm_code FROM opr_config_slot_tab WHERE config_slot_id = opr_positions_tab.config_slot_id; TEXT(8)
assembly_type_code SELECT assm_code FROM opr_config_slot_tab WHERE config_slot_id = opr_positions_tab.config_slot_id; TEXT(8)
config_slot_position_code TEXT(200) position_code TEXT(200)
mx_unique_key mx_unique_key TEXT(100)
Table in ADCOM (MM) Attribute Data Type Usage in MM Table in CFGMGR (ATCM) Attribute Data Type
av_aircraft_system system_id opr_system_tab
aircraft_type_code TEXT(8) assm_code TEXT(8)
assembly_type_code TEXT(8) assm_code TEXT(8)
system_name TEXT(100) system_name TEXT(100)
system_code TEXT(50) system_code TEXT(50)
mx_unique_key mx_unique_key TEXT(100)
Table in ADCOM (MM) Attribute Data Type Usage in MM Table in CFGMGR (ATCM) Attribute Data Type
av_aircraft_subsystem sub_system_id opr_sub_system_tab
sub_system_name TEXT(100) sub_system_name TEXT(100)
sub_system_code TEXT(50) sub_system_code TEXT(50)
system_id system_id NUMBER
aircraft_type_code TEXT(8) assm_code TEXT(8)
assembly_type_code TEXT(8) assm_code TEXT(8)
mx_unique_key mx_unique_key TEXT(100)

For more information on loading the configuration and running the migration job, see Prepare and Load Aircraft Configuration