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Extract Aircraft Configuration From Maintenix

One way of loading configuration data to Mobile Maintenance for Aviation, is by extracting aircraft configuration information from Maintenix.

You can extract configuration data from Maintenix, by writing a script to prepare a csv file, which then be loaded to the Aircraft Configuration Loader in IFS Cloud. The csv file is loaded to the aircraft configuration data loading migration job and the migration job is executed afterwards.

Tables and columns in the Maintenix database to extract information from and load information to are as follows.

Create or update assemblies

Use the mapping information below to extract assemblies where the assembly class is not COMHW (Common Hardware) and TSE (Tools and Service Equipment)

Table in Maintenix Column to extract Aircraft Configuration Loader csv file column to write to Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column name Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column value to write Data Type (Max Length) Mapped Table in MM for Aviation
Not Applicable None Column 1 Record Type ASSY Varchar(10) Not Applicable
eqp_assmbl assmbl_cd Column 2 Assembly Type Code Varchar (8) av_assembly
eqp_assmbl assmbl_name Column 7 Assembly Name Varchar(80) av_assembly
eqp_assmbl assmbl_class_cd Column 10 Assembly Class Code Varchar(8) av_assembly
Not Applicable None Column 32 Is Obsolete FALSE Varchar(20) Not Applicable
Not Applicable None Column 33 External ID A user defined unique value for the record type which identifies the row and if the new record type needs to be created or updated. Varchar(80) Not Applicable

Create or update systems and sub-systems

Systems and Sub-systems in Maintenix are extracted from the same table. Systems are at a higher level and sub-systems are ranked beneath. For example the system code of a system is 25 and the sub-systems are 25-10, 25-20, and so on.

Use the mapping information below to extract systems where the config slot class is SYS connected to the ROOT (Root) config slot, and the assembly type code is not COMHW (Common Hardware) or TSE (Tools and Service Equipment).

Table in Maintenix Column to extract Aircraft Configuration Loader csv file column to write to Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column name Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column value to write Data Type (Max Length) Mapped Table in MM for Aviation
Not Applicable None Column 1 Record Type SYS Varchar(10) Not Applicable
eqp_assmbl_bom assmbl_cd Column 2 Assembly Type Code Varchar(8) av_aircraft_system
eqp_assmbl_bom assmbl_bom_cd Column 3 System Code Varchar(50) av_aircraft_system
eqp_assmbl_bom assmbl_bom_name Column 9 System Name Varchar(100) av_aircraft_system
Not Applicable None Column 32 Is Obsolete FALSE Varchar(20) Not Applicable
eqp_assmbl_bom None Column 33 External ID A user defined unique value for the record type which identifies the row and if the new record type needs to be created or updated. Varchar(80) Not Applicable

Use the mapping information below to extract sub systems where the config class is SYS (System) and the assembly class code is not COMHW (Common Hardware) or TSE (Tools and Service Equipment).

Table in Maintenix Column to extract Aircraft Configuration Loader csv file column to write to Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column name Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column value to write Data Type (Max Length) Mapped Table in MM for Aviation
Not Applicable None Column 1 Record Type SUB Varchar(10) Not Applicable
eqp_assmbl_bom assmbl_cd Column 2 Assembly Type Code Varchar(8) av_aircraft_subsystem
eqp_assmbl_bom assmbl_bom_cd Column 4 Sub System Code Varchar(50) av_aircraft_subsystem
eqp_assmbl_bom assmbl_bom_name Column 9 Sub System Name Varchar(100) av_aircraft_subsystem
Not Applicable None Column 32 Is Obsolete FALSE Varchar(20) Not Applicable
Not Applicable None Column 33 External ID A user defined unique value for the record type which identifies the row and if the new record type needs to be created or updated. Varchar(80) Not Applicable
eqp_assmbl_bom None Column 34 System External ID The value for this field must be the same as the External ID for a system created previously. Varchar(20) av_aircraft_subsystem

Create or update configuration slots

Use the mapping information below to extract config slots where the config class code is TRK, SUBASSY or ROOT (Tracked, Sub Assembly or Root) and the assembly class code is not COMHW (Common Hardware) or TSE (Tools and Service Equipment).

Table in Maintenix Column to extract Aircraft Configuration Loader csv file column to write to Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column name Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column value to write Data Type (Max Length) Mapped Table in MM for Aviation
Not Applicable None Column 1 Record Type CFG Varchar(10) Not Applicable
eqp_assmbl_bom assmbl_cd Column 2 Assembly Type Code Varchar(8) av_config_slot
eqp_assmbl_bom assmbl_bom_cd Column 5 Config Slot Code Varchar(50) av_config_slot
eqp_assmbl_bom assmbl_bom_name Column 9 Config Slot Name Varchar(100) av_config_slot
eqp_assmbl assmbl_class_cd Column 10 Assembly Class Code Varchar(8) av_config_slot
eqp_assmbl_bom_root assmbl_cd of the next highest config slot where the next highest config class code is not SYS Column 12 Parent Aircraft Type Code Varchar(16) av_config_slot
eqp_assmbl_bom_root assmbl_bom_cd Column 13 Parent Config Slot Code Varchar (40) av_config_slot
eqp_assmbl_bom cfg_slot_status_cd Column 14 Config Slot Status Varchar(8) av_config_slot
eqp_assmbl_bom mandatory_bool Column 15 Is Mandatory True/False Varchar(20) av_config_slot
eqp_assmbl_bom software_bool Column 16 Is Software True/False Varchar(20) av_config_slot
eqp_assmbl_bom pos_ct Column 17 Number of Config Slot Positions Number(20) av_config_slot
Not Applicable None Column 32 Is Obsolete FALSE Varchar(20) Not Applicable
Not Applicable None Column 33 External ID A user defined unique value for the record type which identifies the row and if the new record type needs to be created or updated. Varchar(80) Not Applicable

Create or update configuration slot positions

Use the mapping information below to extract config slot positions where the config class code is TRK, SUBASSY or ROOT (Tracked, Sub Assembly or Root) and the assembly class code is not COMHW (Common Hardware) or TSE (Tools and Service Equipment).

Table in Maintenix Column to extract Aircraft Configuration Loader csv file column to write to Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column name Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column value to write Data Type (Max Length) Mapped Table in MM for Aviation
Not Applicable None Column 1 Record Type CFGPOS Varchar(10) Not Applicable
eqp_assmbl_bom assmbl_cd Column 2 Assembly Type Code assembly_type_code Varchar(8) av_config_slot_position
eqp_assmbl_pos assmbl_bom_cd Column 5 Config Slot Code Varchar(50) av_config_slot_position
eqp_assmbl_pos eqp_pos_cd Column 6 Config Slot Position Code Varchar(200) av_config_slot_position
Not Applicable None Column 32 Is Obsolete FALSE Varchar(20) Not Applicable
Not Applicable None Column 33 External ID A user defined unique value for the record type which identifies the row and if the new record type needs to be created or updated. Varchar(80) Not Applicable

Create or update part groups

Use the mapping information below to extract part groups where the assembly class code is not TSE (Tools and Service Equipment) and the inventory class code is BATCH, SER, KIT, TRK, ASSY, ACFT (Batch, Serial, Kit, Tracked, Assembly, Aircraft).

Table in Maintenix Column to extract Aircraft Configuration Loader csv file column to write to Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column name Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column value to write Data Type (Max Length) Mapped Table in MM for Aviation
Not Applicable None Column 1 Record Type PG Varchar(10) Not Applicable
eqp_bom_part If eqp_assmbl.assmbl_class_cd is 'COMHW' THEN NULL. ELSE eqp_bom_part.assmbl_cd. Column 2 Assembly Type Code Varchar(8) av_part_group
eqp_bom_part If eqp_assmbl.assmbl_class_cd is 'COMHW' OR eqp_bom_part.inv_class_cd = 'BATCH','SER','KIT' THEN NULL. ELSE eqp_assmbl_bom.assmbl_bom_cd. Column 5 Config Slot Code Varchar(50) av_part_group
eqp_bom_part bom_part_cd Column 7 Part Group Code Varchar(50) av_part_group
eqp_bom_part bom_part_name Column 9 Part Group Name Varchar(100) av_part_group
eqp_bom_part inv_class_cd Column 11 Inventory Class Code Varchar (8) av_part_group
eqp_bom_part part_qt Column 18 Part Quantity Number(20) av_part_group
eqp_bom_part lru_bool Column 19 Is Line Replaceable Number(20) av_part_group
eqp_bom_part appl_eff_ldesc Column 20 Applicability Range Varchar(4000) av_part_group
eqp_bom_part If eqp_assmbl.assmbl_class_cd is 'COMHW' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE Column 21 Is Common Hardware True/False Varchar(20) av_part_group
eqp_bom_part req_spec_part_bool Column 22 Is Req Spec Part Varchar(5) av_part_group
eqp_bom_part conditions_ldesc Column 23 Conditions Desc Varchar(4000) av_part_group
Not Applicable None Column 32 Is Obsolete FALSE Varchar(20) Not Applicable
Not Applicable None Column 33 External ID A user defined unique value for the record type which identifies the row and if the new record type needs to be created or updated. Varchar(80) Not Applicable

Create or update part numbers

Use the mapping information below to extract part numbers where the inventory class code is BATCH, SER, KIT, TRK, ASSY, SYS, ACFT (Batch, Serial, Kit, Tracked, Assembly, System, Aircraft) and not BLKOUT (Not Applicable).

Table in Maintenix Column to extract Aircraft Configuration Loader csv file column to write to Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column name Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column value to write Data Type (Max Length) Mapped Table in MM for Aviation
Not Applicable None Column 1 Record Type PN Varchar(10) Not Applicable
eqp_part_no part_no_oem Column 8 Part Number Varchar(40) av_part_number
eqp_part_no part_no_sdesc Column 9 Part Name Varchar(80) av_part_number
eqp_part_no inv_class_cd Column 11 Inventory Class Code Varchar(8) av_part_number
eqp_part_no manufact_cd Column 24 Manufacturer Varchar(16) av_part_number
eqp_part_no part_use_cd Column 25 Part Use Varchar(20) av_part_number
eqp_part_no repair_bool Column 26 Is Repairable True/False Varchar(20) av_part_number
eqp_part_no part_status_cd Column 26 Part Status Varchar(20) av_part_number
Not Applicable None Column 32 Is Obsolete FALSE Varchar(20) Not Applicable
Not Applicable None Column 33 External ID A user defined unique value for the record type which identifies the row and if the new record type needs to be created or updated. Varchar(80) Not Applicable

Create or update part group parts

Use the mapping information below to extract part groups parts where the assembly class code is not TSE (Tools and Service Equipment) and the inventory class code is BATCH, SER, KIT, TRK, ASSY, ACFT (Batch, Serial, Kit, Tracked, Assembly, Aircraft).

Table in Maintenix Column to extract Aircraft Configuration Loader csv file column to write to Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column name Aircraft Configuration Loader csv column value to write Data Type (Max Length) Mapped Table in MM for Aviation
Not Applicable None Column 1 Record Type PGP Varchar(20) Not Applicable
eqp_part_baseline standard_bool Column 28 Is Standard True/False Varchar(20) av_part_group_part
eqp_part_baseline interchg_ord Column 29 Interchangeability Order Number(20) av_part_group_part
eqp_part_baseline approved_bool Column 30 Is Approved True/False Varchar(20) av_part_group_part
eqp_part_baseline conditional_bool Column 31 Is Conditions True/False Varchar(20) av_part_group_part
Not Applicable None Column 32 Is Obsolete FALSE Varchar(20) Not Applicable
Not Applicable None Column 33 External ID A user defined unique value for the record type which identifies the row and if the new record type needs to be created or updated. Varchar(80) Not Applicable
Not Applicable None Column 35 Part Group External ID An external identifier for the part group to which the part group part needs to be assigned. The value for this field must be the same as the External ID for a part group created previously. Varchar(80) Not Applicable
Not Applicable None Column 36 Part Number External ID An external identifier for the part number with which the part group part can be assigned to the part group. The value for this field must be the same as the External ID for a part number created previously. Varchar(80) Not Applicable

For more information on preparing a csv file with aircraft configuration information and loading the file to IFS Cloud, see Prepare and Load Aircraft Configuration