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Set up communication error notifications for administrators

The ADMON_ERROR_ALERT event is triggered when an error occurs in the communication process between Mobile Maintenance for Aviation and Maintenix. You can create a stream notification event action to respond to this event.

  1. Log into IFS Cloud Web as the IFS Application owner.

  2. Navigate to Solution Manager/Configuration/Events/Events.

  3. Search for the event with event ID 'ADMON_ERROR_ALERT' and select the event.

  4. Click New Event Action. The Event Action Configuration assistant opens.

  5. Select Stream Message as the event action type.

  6. Provide an action description. E.g., “When an error is logged in communication logs, the users are notified via stream messages.”

  7. Click Next.

  8. Configure the stream message by entering the following information:

    a) From User: The user that the system uses to send the message.

    b) To User: The user that receives the notification. (i.e., Administrator)

    c) Subject: “Communication log failure”

    d) Message: “A communication error has been logged. Click the above link to view error details in the Communication Log.”

    e) URL: <server URL>/main/ifsapplications/web/page/AdmonCommunicationLog/List;$filter=LogSeq%20eq%20&LOG_SEQ

  9. Click Next.

  10. Toggle Enable Event Action.

  11. Click Finish.