Configure IFS Connect for Disconnected Operations¶
The installation automatically creates the IFS Connect sender, message queue, routing rules, and routing addresses required for communication between the Maintenix and Disconnected Operations applications when assets are exported or imported, and baseline data is imported.
The routing addresses are created with some placeholder values that you must replace.
The following items are created during installation:
Connection Sender | DISCO_REST_SENDER |
Message Queue | DISCO_OUT |
IFS Connect integration user | The IFSCONNECT user is assigned the existing Maintenix System Integrator role with the required integration permissions to enable communication between Maintenix and other IFS Cloud applications. If you plan to use a different system user, the user must be assigned a role that has the following permissions: API_RECORD_TRANSFER_EXPORT and API_RECORD_TRANSFER_IMPORT. You assign these permissions in the Maintenix user interface. |
Routing Addresses | Three routing addresses are created: - DISCO_AV_EXPORT - DISCO_AV_IMPORT - DISCO_BL_IMPORT You must update the following placeholder values for each routing address: - Client Secret - Rest Root Endpoint - Token Endpoint |
Update routing addresses¶
- In IFS Cloud Web, go to the Solution Manager / Users and Permissions / Identity and Access Manager / IAM Client page.
- Search for the Client ID: IFS_connect. Note the Secret. You will need this to update the routing address.
- In IFS Cloud Web, go to the Solution Manager / Integration / IFS Connect / Routing Addresses page.
- In the Address Name filter, enter DISCO_AV_EXPORT.
- Select the DISCO_AV_EXPORT address, click Details, then click the Edit icon.
In the REST Address Data, edit the following:
Secret Enter the secret you noted on the IAM Client page. Rest Root End Point Replace <mxserver> with the fully qualified domain name in the URL:
http://ifsmaintenix-appserver.<mxserver>/recxfrapi/recxfrs/disconnected/export/Token Endpoint Replace <mxserver> with the fully qualified domain name in the URL:
http://ifsapp-proxy.<mxserver>/auth/realms/<mxserver>/protocol/openid-connect/token -
On the Routing Addresses page, repeat steps 4-6 for the DISCO_AV_IMPORT routing address.
Secret Enter the secret you noted on the IAM Client page.
Rest Root End PointReplace <mxserver> with the fully qualified domain name in the URL:
Token EndpointReplace <mxserver> with the fully qualified domain name in the URL:
http://ifsapp-proxy.<mxserver>/auth/realms/<mxserver>/protocol/openid-connect/token -
On the Routing Addresses page, repeat steps 4-6 for the DISCO_BL_IMPORT routing address.
Secret Enter the secret you noted on the IAM Client page. Rest Root End Point Replace <mxserver> with the fully qualified domain name in the URL:
http://ifsmaintenix-appserver.<mxserver>/mcmapi/disconnectedoperations/baselineimportToken Endpoint Replace <mxserver> with the fully qualified domain name in the URL: