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Background Processing

When the mobile server framework module (FNDMOB) is installed a number of background processes are created.These include Database Tasks, Database Processes and mobile app specific Batch Queues.

See the Mobile App Framework Synchronization Guide and/or the Troubleshooting Mobile Apps for more information.

Database Tasks

The following database tasks are included in IFS Cloud to manage mobile apps data.

Task Name Description
Mobile App Batch Schedule Runs the Batch Synchronization process. The default schedule will be set to run every 15 minutes. The schedule for this database task must be equal to or more frequent to the quickest interval defined in Synchronization Rules.
Mobile App Daily Statistics Captures statistics for synchronized entity times and volumes per Application that are shown on an mobile app Status lobby page.
Mobile App Schedule for reprocess failed transactions Reprocesses all Failed Transactions for the App/Version. Suggested reprocess cycle is once per day at 00:00.
Mobile App Scheduled Activation Processes any Scheduled Activations for the App/Version. Suggested cycle is daily at 00:00
Clean Up Mobile App Deleted Failed Transactions Removes Deleted Failed Transactions that are older than x days and any records relating to removed Apps/Devices.  Suggested number of days is 30.
Clean Up Mobile App Device Locations Removes Device Locations that are older than x days and any records relating to removed Apps/Devices. Suggested number of days is 30.
Clean Up Mobile App Entity Sync Data Removes Synchronization Data and Out Messages for records relating to removed Apps/Devices or Apps/Devices in the state Disabled or failed to successfully activate and are older than x days. Suggested number of days is 7.
Clean Up Mobile App Faulty Device Records  Clear All faulty device records, device records which are Disabled an do not have an installed app device. Suggested cycle is every 04:00 hour.
Clean Up Mobile App Ignored Failed Transactions Removes Ignored Failed Transactions that are older than x days and any records relating to removed Apps/Devices.  Suggested number of days is 30.
Clean Up Mobile App Interrupted Sync Tasks Removes Synchronization Tasks that are in the state of Posted or Executing and are more than x day(s) old.  Suggested number of days is 1.
Clean Up Mobile App Logs Removes Logs that are older than x days. Suggested number of days is 100.

Note: depending on your system's transaction volumes, you might need to set this to a lower value.
Note: if Extended Logging is enabled, this needs to be set to a lower value.
Clean Up Mobile App Sync Tasks Removes Synchronization Tasks and Push Queue records that are older than x days and any records relating to removed Apps/Devices.  Suggested number of days is 7.
Clean up Mobile App Sync Traces Removes Synchronization Traces that are older than x days and any records relating to removed Apps/Devices.  Suggested number of days is 7.
Clean Up Mobile App Synchronization Service Stat Records Removes Synchronization Service Stat Records that are older than x days. Suggested cycle is weekly on Sundays at 00:00.
Clean Up Mobile App Transaction Log Data Removes older Mobile Transaction Log Data based on transaction SCN (System Change Number). Suggested cycle is daily at 00:00.

Note: SCN is database wide number that keeps incrementing on each commit. Backend keeps track of the SCN each Device/App/User was last initialized/synced.
If there are transactions in the log that happened after this number we cannot delete them no matter how old they are until they are synced to the device or get invalidated.
Clean Up Notify Me Notifications Clean Up IFS Notify Me notifications that are older than x days on any device. Suggested Number of days is 30.

All Tasks are enabled by default on enabling the Application.

The Task "Mobile App Batch Schedule" will be processed by the Mobile App Batch Queue.

Database Processes

Database Processes are used in the Push and Grouped Push Synchronization Rule delivery methods.

Delivery Method - Push

A database process is used to process the Push Queue. This process checks if there are any Push Queue records that are ready to be executed. If there are Push Queue records to be executed this process creates a Synchronization Task which in terns submits them into a background job. This process is managed in the System Parameters screen. The name of this process is Mobile_Db_Process_SYS.Push_Data__.

Delivery Method - Grouped Push

A database process is used to process the Grouped Push Transaction Queue. This process checks if there are any Grouped Push Transaction Queue records that are ready to be executed. If there are Grouped Push Transaction Queue records to be executed this process will publish the Grouped Push data changes to the filtered mobile app users. The name of this process is Mobile_Db_Process_SYS.Grouped_Push_Data__.

Mobile App Batch Queue

The Mobile App Queue handles the Batch Synchronization and Scheduled Activation. The number of processes that are allocated to this Queue will affect the number of Background Jobs that are created when processing Synchronization Tasks.