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Events can be used to automate actions within IFS Cloud. The actions can be anything from simple notifications (e.g. sending an e-mail to inform that a customer was credit blocked) to calling APIs in external applications.

Events and actions follow the ECA-rule:

The event occurs, conditions are evaluated, if true then an action is executed.

An event can be described as something that happens in a transaction that generates a method call to the condition handler.

There are two types of events:

  • Application Defined Events These events are built into the applications logic at places where important things happen.
  • Custom Defined Events These events are defined as parts of the customer solution configuration and fire when entities are created, updated, or removed. This type of event gives the individuals who configures the system the opportunity to add events without needing to extend on the inside / customize.

The Event handling process

  1. The business logic calls the Event handler for the event to determine if any actions are registered on the event. This call should be included within the involved entity's package body, (in the method controlling the event), or as a trigger on the base table of the LU. It is possible to have different conditions and different actions on the same event, but the event doesn’t need to have any actions at all connected to it. An event can be created without any knowledge about the actions that will be connected to it in the future.  Actions, if required, can be added afterwards. If at least one of the actions is active, then the event is triggered and its condition must be evaluated.
  2. The involved entity's business logic supplies different pre-defined parameters with data and sends them packed in a string to the Event handler.
  3. The Condition handler checks if the conditions for the actions are true by unpacking the text string supplied by the Event handler.
  4. The Action handler controls the type of action required and will activate this action when the stated conditions have been met.
  5. The Action handler is responsible for ensuring that all actions are executed in the correct manner. Actions can be sent to clients, to the business logic or some external source such as mail. This is handled through IFS Connect. If end users subscribe to any actions, then the action handler will send the appropriate actions to the subscribers as well as to the original receiver.

Manage Event Actions

Manage Event Actions is about setting up which actions to perform when Events are triggered in IFS Cloud. The Events are predefined in the system. The action can be for example to send a mail when an order is released. All information about this can be found in here