Basic CRUD Operations on IFS APIs¶
IFS has a multitude of RESTful ODATA APIs that can be used when you want to integrate with, or extend IFS Applications.
You can read more about the concept here.
Postman is a popular tool used to test API's.In the following sections Postman has been used to demonstrate functionalities of IFS API's.
You need to know the request URL and the HTTP method to test a request and there are many ways to achieve this.
Fetching data without parameters (GET Operation)¶
- Get the Request URL for the needed GET request
https://host:port/int/ifsapplications/projection/v1/ActivityService.svc/Activities -
Construct the request with the use of OpenAPI or Odata specification adhering to following standard.
https://<server>/<resource-path> -
If the request is successful server will return 200 (OK) status along with the relevant data.
Figure 4 Note: When server returns a large amount of data there might be performance issues, to improve this use query options.
Fetching data with parameters (GET operation)¶
- Construct the request URL https://<server>/<resource-path>In the Params section under query params provide the Key of the parameter and the corresponding value.
The relevant data is returned
Figure 5
Creating a resource ( POST operation )¶
- Construct the request URL as https://<server>/<resource-path>
- Set the body data under Body tab. Select raw and JSON type and add the necessary data.
- If the operation is successful status 201 would return
Deleting a resource ( DELETE Operation )¶
Construct the request URL https://<server>/<resource-path>(ParameterKey=ParameterValue) provide the Key of the parameter and the corresponding value to be deleted.
In the headers section provide If-Match as the key and for the value provide the E-Tag value, In addition for Accept Key provide application/json as the value
- If the resource is successfully deleted 202 will return as the status value.
Updating a resource ( PATCH Operation )¶
- Construct the request URL as https://<server>/<resource-path>
- In the headers section add Content-Type as the Key and provide application/json as the value.
- In the body section select raw and JSON as the type and add the required key value pairs needed for the specific modify functionality.
- If the call is successful 200 is returned as the status code and the resource with the updated values is shown.
Fetching data with parameters (POST/PATCH operations)¶
Construct the request URL, https://<server>/<resource-path>.
In the body section, select raw and JSON as the type and add the required key value pairs needed for the specific modify functionality (It is not mandatory to use the select-fields query option).
In the query params section within Params, provide the Key of the parameter and the corresponding value.
The relevant data is returned. If the call is successful, 200 is returned as the status code and the resource with the updated values and queried values are shown.
URL Encoding¶
If your request URL contains reserved characters !#$&'()*+,/:;=?@[]
as parameters or query values then those needs to be URL Encoded when constructing the request.
Common issues / errors¶
- In a UD operation - A precondition is Missing in the request
Solution - Add If-Match key for headers and for value provide the E-Tag
- When uploading a file - Unexpected internal server error occurred.
Apart from that, the following errors appear in odp-default-log file in
Solution - When sending Base 64 encoded filename using “X-IFS-Content-Disposition” header via REST API, it should be encoded to support Base 64 URL encoding standard. (Base 64 encoded string should not contain plus (+) and slash (/) characters.)
Query Options¶
Query options are a set of parameters that we can pass through the URL and control the amount of data that is being returned from the ODATA Service. IFS ODATA services supports system Query options. For more details click here.
Query options help in performance aspects¶
The network performance can be managed by using query options such as $filter, $select, $top and $skip by managing the chunk of data that is sent back from the server.
$filter option can further restrict the data that is being returned by the URL by filtering a collection of resources that are addressed by a request URL.
$select option allows clients to requests a specific set of properties for each entity or complex type. This reduces network load.
When going through a large number of data records, using the $topand $skip options the client can request only specific pages of items.
Examples using query options¶
To only get the first 50 results
Using a combination of query options