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Update a Record

To demonstrate how to update an existing record, the BusinessLeadHandling projection is used here.

Before you Begin
  1. Obtain the access token by following the steps given in the Authentication page.
  2. Make sure the user you used while obtaining the access token, has the permission set granted to access the BusinessLeadHandling projection used in the quick start. To do this, first, let's create a permission set.
    1. Navigate to Solution Manager > Users and Permissions > Permission Sets.
    2. Click on the "+" icon and create a new permission set as shown below. create_permission_set
    3. Tick the checkbox corresponding to the newly created permission set and click Details.
    4. Select Projections from the left navigation.
    5. In the Granted Projections panel, click Add/Revoke and select Add from the dropdown that appears.
    6. Filter by the projection name, BusinessLeadHandling.
    7. Tick the checkbox and click OK.
    8. add_projection_to_set
    The required projection will be added to the permission set as shown above. Now let us add the user to this permission set.
    1. Select Users Granted from the left navigation.
    2. In the Users Granted panel, click Add Users.
    3. Filter using the same user name you used while you created the client for the authentication process.
    4. Click OK.
    5. users_granted

In IFS Cloud

  1. Navigate to Solution Manager > Integration > API Explorer. Alternatively, search for API Explorerin the search bar.

  2. Filter by API Name, BusinessLeadHandling.

  3. Navigate to the API Documentation as shown below.


  4. In the API documentation, select BusinessLeads on the left navigation and click on Update entity in BusinessLeads.

  5. Copy the URL provided in the right panel.


In Postman

  1. Open a new PATCH request and paste the URL you copied from the API Doc in the previous step as the Request URL. Modify the LeadId in the URL so that it corresponds to the lead that needs to be modified.

  2. Make sure that the header tab has an Authorization key with the value in the format of Bearer <access token> as shown below. This is the access token you obtained while authenticating the request.

  3. Enter the value of @odata.etagas the If-Match key in the Headers tab. You can find the etag value by calling the GET request that is used to list all the entities.

Note - Get rid of the backslashes in the etag value before using it in the header.

Let's assume that we want to add a more appropriate note for this lead.

  1. Copy the parameter in the Body tab. Select raw and choose the type as JSON.

        "Note":"A potential lead"
  2. Click Send.

The note attribute of this lead is now updated with the new value.