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Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a standard security mechanism which is HTTP header based that prohibits a server loading resources from any origins (domain /scheme / port) other than its own, unless explicitly indicated.

When deploying a web-based client (as an integration) in a different domain other than IFS middle-tier is deployed, while trying to access IFS APIs, the CORS issue emerges. The reason behind this is IFS middle-tier does not allow such outside requests adhering to CORS principles.

Note that we can use various industry standard API managers to handle CORS according to your preference. Below steps describes in detail how to configure Azure API Manager to solve Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for localhost:4200.

1. In your Azure subscription, create a resource group

2. Create API management service in the above resource group

3. Choose a method to add API to API manager

Using  HTTP method, manually define an HTTP API.

Lets use as the web server external URL in this example.

It is possible to create as many APIs as you like in one single API manager.

4. Adding required API end points (Adding Operations)

  • all operation from the given HTTP method can be allowed Using  * (star)

  • Add operations one by one using endpoints

Also if required, you can add CORS for each and every operation separately.

Select operation -> inbound processing -> add headers to policy as before

5. Configure Authentication calls from application to API manager

  • Load discovery documentation from azure API manager

  • Add the following replacement in the outbound process

Replace issuer, token endpoint and revoke endpoint.

  • Replace host address

Note that default host for external environments is set to internal host.

When authenticating using well known configuration, all the other link domains need to be same as host domain.

find and replace to

OR use "skipIssuerCheck : true " from the application

  • Replace Token and Revoke end points

When authenticate using well known configuration, it refers the links in the doc and authenticate, where the following link is set as the token link.

Again It gives CORS error & as a solution have to replace the domains of this token and revoke endpoints

find and replace to

find and replace to

Below is the outcome after above replacement

Additional Note

  • If there are any other URLs consumed using well known configuration, replace the origin of that URLs too.  
  • Some clients using third party libraries for configurations. In such cases, these auth libraries validate issuer, host addresses etc. In our case Angular Oauth2-oidc library check the issuer and validate the whole document. In order to bypass that:  
  • Add skip issuer check header in the client side to skip validating issuer in well-known configuration (skipIssuerCheck : true;)  
  • Add header to stop strict discovery documentation validation to skip validating all of the endpoints provided via the ID Provider discovery document share the same base URL as the issuer parameter. (strictDiscoveryDocumentValidation: false;)

This is fully dependent on the libraries that are used to implement the integration client.

6. Allow CORS globally (i.e. for all the APIs at once)

Select all APIs  -> Inbound processing -> policies -> select CORS

Added the following headers


   <cors allow-credentials="false">












   <base />


Other available features

Any headers can be allowed from here. For instance, to send the delete request “if-match” header must be allowed.

7. Allow CORS separately for APIs

Select API -> select All operations -> Inbound Processing -> Policies and add headers to policy as mentioned before

8. Calling IFS backend through this API manager

Instead of calling IFS backend directly, we need to call through API manager. All related information contains in the API manager settings.

When sending request from the client, replace web service URL from the base URL


If we take URL:

Above should be set in the client in below format