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Site Time Zone Cache

During initialization, the OData Provider caches the site time zones to avoid repeated database queries for the timezone. To ensure this cache remains up-to-date, it is refreshed at a default interval of 10 minutes. This interval is configurable.

Note: This means that any site-related changes will be applied only after the refresh interval has passed.

Adjusting the Refresh Interval

The refresh interval can be adjusted using the system parameter:

OData Provider Site Cache Refresh Interval (Seconds)

This parameter is available at:

Solution Manager → Setup → System Parameters

Accessing a Newly Added Site's Time Zone

When a site is added and you try to access its time zone before the refresh interval has passed, you will receive the ODP_RESOURCE_NOTFOUND error response. You will have to wait for the interval to pass and try again.


    "error": {
        "code": "ODP_RESOURCE_NOTFOUND",
        "message": "Resource not found."