Inbound Integrations to IFS Using IFS Connect¶
In this scenario the third-party system will contact one of the transport connecters. Most common examples are legacy systems which output data files as results of business processes.
Let's take file integration as an example. All other integrations done via different transport connecters, have the same characteristics and follow the same execution flow.
File reader resides inside the "connect reader framework". Once the file is dropped inside the "in" folder (input folder configured in the File Reader), it will be read by the File Reader.
Message processer will use the message router to identify the applicable routing rule and the routing address the message must be routed to.
Routing address could determine the direction of integration. In inbound integrations, routing address will either be a Projection (REST API) or a PLSQL method.
Routing address can be assigned request and response transformers. The request transformer will convert the message before passing to the destination. The response transformer will transform the result of the REST API or the PLSQL method.
If the REST API invocation is Inbound synchronous, routing address can be chained to return the result back to the third-party system via a connect sender.