Sales (ORDER)¶
The purpose of this page is to provide product specific tailoring guides for workflows related to Sales Area (ORDER component).
In both workflows mentioned below, it is important that the users configure the Application Events/Custom Events using effective filter conditions to avoid unnecessary execution of the workflows.
Sales Work Flows¶
- Automation of Determine Customer Order Priority
- Automation of Earliest Delivery Date Calculation of Customer Order
- Automation of Restrict Multiple Credit Invoice Creation
- Automation of Add New Sales Parts to Sales Price Lists
- Automate Copying Custom Attributes from Incoming Customer Order to Customer Order
- Automate Copying Custom Attributes from Incoming Customer Order Change Request to Customer Order
- Automate Copying Custom Attributes from Incoming Self-billing Invoice to Customer Self-Billing Invoice
Automation of Determine Customer Order Priority¶
With reference to the IFS Cloud Documentation/ Determine Customer Order Priority documentation, we need to explicitly select the command to select the Determine Priority.
Users can automate the priority calculation using workflows.
• When Releasing the Customer Order Release (using the Application Event ‘ORDER_RELEASED’) or
• At the Creation of Customer Order/Modification of Customer Order (using a Customer Event for entity ‘CustomerOrder’). Add additional event conditions to trigger the workflow only when the Priority Rule based attributes (Market Code, Country Code, District Code etc) are changed.
Steps to follow: - Upload the workflow from the local file system (…\order\source\order\workflow\bpmn\ ScmCOPriorityCalculation.bpmn Refer Create Workflows more details about uploading a workflow .
- Save and deploy the workflow as ‘ScmCOPriorityCalculation’
Select an Application Event (e.g ORDER_RELEASED) or Custom Event (e.g to trigger an event when a ‘Customer Order’ is created or modified) Refer more about Events
Add an event action of ‘Workflow’ type Workflow ID : ScmCOPriorityCalculation Type : Process Enrichment Timing : After
- Set the conditions of the event actions to trigger the Workflow ONLY for specific conditions.
- Enable the Event action and the Event.
Automation of Earliest Delivery Date Calculation of Customer Order¶
With reference to the IFS Cloud Documentation/Calculate Earliest Delivery Date documentation, we need to explicitly select the command to update the earliest possible delivery date in all Customer Order Lines.
With the IFS Cloud Documentation/Replan Customer Order Lines batch job you can update the planned delivery date of multiple customer orders. Then users can automate the earliest -delivery date calculation of respective Customer order lines using workflows.
- The customer order cannot be in the Invoiced/Closed, Partially Delivered or Cancelled status.
- The backorder option should be No Partial Deliveries Allowed
- The connected supply sources will also get updated if they are in updatable states.
Steps to follow:
- Import the workflow from the local file system (…\order\source\order\workflow\bpmn\ScmCOEarlyDelDateCalc.bpmn Refer Create Workflows more details about uploading a workflow .
- Save and deploy the workflow as ScmCOEarlyDelDateCalc
- Create a Custom Event to trigger when the Planned_Delivery_Date is modified in Customer Order Line Manage Event Actions - Technical Documentation For IFS Cloud
- Add an event action of ‘Workflow’ type Workflow ID : ScmCOEarlyDelDateCalc Type : Process Enrichment Timing : After
- Set the conditions of the event actions to trigger the Workflow ONLY for specific parts or part groups, etc. This step is very important to avoid unnecessary executions of the workflow. Refer more about Events
- Enable the Event action and the Event.
Automation of Restrict Multiple Credit Invoice Creation¶
With reference to the IFS Cloud Documentation/Create Customer Credit Invoices documentation and the IFS Cloud Documentation/Customer Invoice documentation, we can create multiple credit invoices for a single debit invoice, with the total credit amount exceeding the amount of the debit invoice.
At present, we are only receiving a notification message as shown below.
'Credit invoice(s) for invoice XXXX already exist with credit amount XX.00 Total credit amount for order YYYYY is XX.00' By confirming this message, it is still possible to create multiple credit invoices.
Restricting this process has been automated using a workflow that can be enabled by users who require that functionality.
Steps to follow:
Import the workflow from the local file system (…\order\source\order\workflow\bpmn\ScmValidateInvoiceAmount.bpmn) Refer to Create Workflows for more details on uploading a workflow.
Save and deploy the workflow as ‘ScmValidateInvoiceAmount’
Go to 'Projection Action Information' of the workflow.
The actions below may be enabled depending on the functional flows that need to be restricted.
Restricts Customer Invoice Window --> Credit/Correction Invoice --> Create Credit Invoice action¶
- Projection Name: CustomerOrderInvoiceHandling
- Call Name: ValidateCreateCredit
- Execution Type: Validation
- Timing: Before
Restricts Create Customer Credit Invoices Window --> Create Credit Invoice action¶
- Projection Name: CreateCustomerCreditInvoices
- Entity Set Name: CreateCustomerCreditInvoiceVirtuals
- Action: Create
- Execution Type: Validation
- Timing: Before
Restricts Customer Invoice window --> Invoice Lines --> Manual editing of invoice lines¶
- Projection Name: CustomerOrderInvoiceHandling
- Entity Set Name: CustomerOrderInvHead.CustomerOrderInvItem
- Action: Update
- Execution Type: Validation
- Timing: After
Restricts Customer Invoice window --> Share --> Print Invoice action & E-mail Invoice action¶
- Projection Name: CustomerOrderInvoiceHandling
- Call Name: ValidatePrintInvoice
- Execution Type: Validation
- Timing: Before
Restricts Customer Invoice window --> Share --> Send Invoice action¶
- Projection Name: CustomerOrderInvoiceHandling
- Call Name: CustomerOrderInvHead_ValidateSendInvoice
- Execution Type: Validation
- Timing: Before
Enabling event action will raise an error message when trying to execute the respective functional flow.
Automation of Add New Sales Parts to Sales Price Lists¶
With reference to the IFS Cloud Documentation/Add Sales Parts to Sales Price Lists documentation, it is important that newly added sales parts be added to relevant sales price lists that are subscribed to new sales parts.
To add new sales parts to Sales Price Lists, it is necessary to add records for Sales Part Base Prices list manually and then update the Sales Price Lists.
Users can automate that Sales Price Lists updating process for new Sales Parts. In addition, users can input values to continue this process through User Interaction workflows.
When a new Sales Part is saved, workflow can be triggered.
Steps to follow:
Import the workflow from the local file system (…\order\source\order\workflow\bpmn\ScmAddSalesPartToPriceLists.bpmn Refer to Create Workflows for more details about uploading a workflow .
Save and deploy the workflow as ‘ScmAddSalesPartToPriceLists'.
- Go to 'Projection Action Information' of the workflow.
- Configure the setup according to following information.
- Projection Name: SalesPartHandling
- Entity Set: SalesPartSet
- Action: Create
- Execution Type: User Interaction
- Timing: After
- Enable the Projection Action.
Automate Copying Custom Attributes from Incoming Customer Order to Customer Order¶
Custom attributes have been introduced in IFS Cloud to the SalesMessageService since 24R1GA. Currently there is no mechanism to copy custom attributes values to a Customer Order whilst approving an Incoming Customer Order.
Users can automate copying custom attributes from Incoming Customer Order to Customer Order using this template workflow.
Steps to follow:
Import the workflow from the local file system (…\order\source\order\workflow\bpmn\ScmTemplateCopyCustomAttributesFromIncCustOrder.bpmn Refer to Create Workflows for more details about uploading a workflow .
Save and deploy the workflow as ‘ScmTemplateCopyCustomAttributesFromIncCustOrder'.
Create a Custom Event to trigger when the Order_No is changed in Customer Order. Select Attribute 'MESSAGE_ID : New Value' Manage Event Actions - Technical Documentation For IFS Cloud
Add an event action of ‘Workflow’ type Workflow ID : ScmTemplateCopyCustomAttributesFromIncCustOrder Type : Process Enrichment Timing : After
Enable the Event action and the Event.
- TIME format in DATE datatype is not supported.
- MultiSelection Enumerations are not supported.
- For Boolean type Enumerations, only FndBoolean is supported.
Automate Copying Custom Attributes from Incoming Customer Order Change Request to Customer Order¶
Custom attributes have been introduced in IFS Cloud to the SalesMessageService since 24R1GA. Currently there is no mechanism to copy custom attributes values to a Customer Order whilst approving an Incoming Customer Order Change Request.
Users can automate copying custom attributes from Incoming Customer Order Change Request to Customer Order using this template workflow.
Steps to follow:
Import the workflow from the local file system (…\order\source\order\workflow\bpmn\ScmTemplateCopyCustomAttributesFromIncCustOrdChangeRequest.bpmn Refer to Create Workflows for more details about uploading a workflow .
Save and deploy the workflow as ‘ScmTemplateCopyCustomAttributesFromIncCustOrdChangeRequest'.
Create a Custom Event to trigger when modified the ExtCustOrderChange object. Select Attributes 'ROWSTATE : New Value and MESSAGE_ID : New Value' Manage Event Actions - Technical Documentation For IFS Cloud
Add an event action of ‘Workflow’ type Workflow ID : ScmTemplateCopyCustomAttributesFromIncCustOrdChangeRequest Type : Process Enrichment Timing : After Add conditional to Event action as 'NEW:ROWSTATE = Processed'
Enable the Event action and the Event.
- TIME format in DATE datatype is not supported.
- MultiSelection Enumerations are not supported.
- For Boolean type Enumerations, only FndBoolean is supported.
Automate Copying Custom Attributes from Incoming Self-Billing Invoice to Customer Self-Billing Invoice¶
Custom attributes have been introduced in IFS Cloud to the SalesMessageService since 24R1GA. Currently there is no mechanism to copy custom attributes values to a Customer Order whilst approving an Incoming Customer Order Change Request.
Users can automate copying custom attributes from Incoming Self-billing Invoice to Customer Self-Billing Invoice using this template workflow.
Steps to follow:
Import the workflow from the local file system (…\order\source\order\workflow\bpmn\ScmTemplateCopyCustomAttributeFromIncSelfBillingInvoice.bpmn Refer to Create Workflows for more details about uploading a workflow .
Save and deploy the workflow as ‘ScmTemplateCopyCustomAttributeFromIncSelfBillingInvoice'.
Create a Custom Event to trigger when modified the ExtIncSbiHead object. Select Attributes 'ROWSTATE : New Value and MESSAGE_ID : New Value' Manage Event Actions - Technical Documentation For IFS Cloud
Add an event action of ‘Workflow’ type Workflow ID : ScmTemplateCopyCustomAttributeFromIncSelfBillingInvoice Type : Process Enrichment Timing : After Add conditional to Event action as 'NEW:ROWSTATE = Matched'
Enable the Event action and the Event.
- TIME format in DATE datatype is not supported.
- MultiSelection Enumerations are not supported.
- For Boolean type Enumerations, only FndBoolean is supported.