Customer Schedule (CUSSCHED)¶
The purpose of this page is to provide product specific tailoring guides for workflows related to Customer Schedule (CUSSCHED component).
In both workflows mentioned below, it is important that the users configure the Application Events/Custom Events using effective filter conditions to avoid unnecessary execution of the workflows.
Customer Schedule Work Flows¶
Automate Copying Custom Attributes from Incoming Customer Schedule to Customer Schedule¶
Custom attributes have been introduced in IFS Cloud to the CustomerScheduleMessageService since 24R1GA. Currently there is no mechanism to copy custom attributes values to a Customer Schedule whilst approving an Incoming Customer Schedule.
Users can automate copying custom attributes from Incoming Customer Schedule to Customer Schedule using this template workflow.
Steps to follow:
Import the workflow from the local file system (…\order\source\order\workflow\bpmn\ScmTemplateCopyCustomAttributesFromIncCustSched.bpmn Refer to Create Workflows for more details about uploading a workflow .
Save and deploy the workflow as ‘ScmTemplateCopyCustomAttributesFromIncCustSched'.
Create a Custom Event to trigger when the Schedule_No is changed in Ext_Cust_Sched_Tab. Select Attribute 'MESSAGE_ID : New Value' Manage Event Actions - Technical Documentation For IFS Cloud
Add an event action of ‘Workflow’ type Workflow ID : ScmTemplateCopyCustomAttributesFromIncCustSched Type : Process Enrichment Timing : After
Enable the Event action and the Event.
- TIME format in DATE datatype is not supported.
- MultiSelection Enumerations are not supported.
- For Boolean type Enumerations, only FndBoolean is supported.