Report Locale¶
Report locale functionality in IFS Cloud allows you to customize the number formatting, date formatting, and other regional settings used in your operational reports (Report designer layouts). This ensures that reports are displayed and formatted in a way that is appropriate for users in different regions.
Date Formats used throughout different parts of the world differ quite a bit. When formatting a report; the selected locale typically controls how dates and numbers are formatted. The exception to this would be if a date/number field of a report layout has been defined to use a hardcoded format and or formatted according to a hardcoded locale.
In IFS Report Designer, date fields and number fields can be formatted based on the runtime locale. For date fields use either short, medium, long, or full date format. When formatting date values, those are formatted based on standardized formatting rules. If the standard rules are not enough, they can be overridden using functionality available in IFS Cloud.
Report Locale in Runtime¶
This feature allows you to set date formats when in some locales the Standard format for short or medium defined in Report Formatter does not match the generally used format in the locale. To add a new Locale click Add New option and define the following properties.
Users can define the following properties to configure the Report Locale:
Locale: Locale to be used when formatting Date/Number fields in the report
Minimum Integer digits: Minimum digits displayed for numbers/currency values in reports.
Minimum digits after decimal: Minimum digits after the decimal in numbers/currency values in reports
Maximum digits after decimal: Maximum digits after the decimal in numbers and currency values in reports
Digit grouping size: Grouping size for numbers/currency values in reports
Digit grouping symbol: Digit separator for numbers/currency values in reports.
Decimal symbol: Decimal separator for numbers/currency values in reports
Negative sign symbol: Negative sign symbol for negative numbers/currency in reports
Negative Format: Negative number format for numbers/currency values in reports
(- 1.1)
(1.1 -)
Apply Number formats to: Whether the specified number formatting applies to numbers, currency values or both.
Date and Time format notation
y = year M = month d = day h = hour m = minute s = second t = am or pm
h = 12 hour
H = 24 hour
hh, mm, ss, MM, dd = leading zeros
h, m, s, M, d = no leading zeros
This type of date formatting will only work in runtime.