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IFS Business Reporter Toolbars

Two types of controls available in Report Mode act as toolbars or placeholders for functionality/options relevant to the end/report user.

  1. IFS Business Reporter Ribbon
  2. Document Actions Related Options


IFS Business Reporter uses a dedicated ribbon to host the main functions of IFS Business Reporter. The Ribbon is a graphical representation of the activities and features of the application. The IFS Business Reporter Ribbon is modern and user-friendly. The Ribbon makes it easy to navigate and find relevant functionality. The icon sets available differ depending on whether the report is open in Design Mode or the Report Mode. The Ribbon for report mode is shown in the below image.

The icons are described below:

Ribbon Option Group Icon Description
Go to Design Run Navigate from Report Mode to Design Mode. Requires design user privileges.
Run Report Run Runs the current report.
Load Report File Opens the Load Report from Database dialog where the design of a specific report revision can be selected to load from the database.
Order Report File Opens the Order Report dialog where a specific revision of a report can be selected for execution.
Export File img Opens the Export to Excel Report dialog box. Use it to save and/or email the report as a pure Excel report. The dialog can also be used to save the report in the BR Export Archive, preparing it for later importation from the exported Excel report.
Import File Opens the Import From Excel Report dialog box that is used to import data values from a previously exported pure Excel report to the target Business Reporter report.
Writeback Writeback Performs modified writeback by getting all modified cells, creating the transactions, and then saving them to the database.
Writeback All Data Writeback Collects all writeback-enabled cells, creates the associated transactions, and saves them to the database. Allow Complete Writeback must be enabled in Design mode for this operation to proceed.
Review Collected Data Writeback Selecting this option will display all collected writeback values in the Writeback pane under Document Actions for manual review. The user will then be responsible for completing the writeback process by clicking the Save button.
Report Options Design Info Opens the Report Options dialog, which allows the user to view the report options applicable to the current report.
Access Type Design Info Opens the Used Data Access Types dialog that shows the requested and the used data access type for each Information Source referenced by the report.
Document Actions Settings This will open or close the Document Actions pane.
User Info/Login Settings Displays the current user. Clicking on the down-arrow will provide a link to the start page of the actual IFS Cloud instance and it is also possible to switch environments by clicking on Change Environment.
Settings Settings Opens the Settings dialog that displays current settings.
About Settings Opens the About IFS Business Reporter dialog that provides information about the current product version, component version, and build date. A link to the about description in the IFS cloud documentation related to IFS Business Reporter is also available.
Help Settings Opens the End User help documentation in the IFS cloud documentation.

IFS Business Reporter is using a customizable task pane in the end/report user mode. The task pane, i.e. the IFS Business Reporter usage of Document Actions is a graphical representation of the activities and features of the application. It is contextual and the activities available will vary depending on your toolbar selection.

The icons are described below:

Option Sub Section Icon Description
Go to Design Run Navigate from Report Mode to Design Mode. Requires design user privileges.
Run Run Runs the current report.
Parameters Report Info Displays used parameters and their values.
Writeback Writeback Opens up the Writeback sub-section.
Get Modified Writeback Gets all modified writeback-enabled cells and presents the corresponding transactions.
Get All Writeback Gets all writeback-enabled cells and presents the corresponding transactions.
Save Writeback Performs Writeback, i.e. sends writeback related transactions to IFS Cloud for further processing.
Export Writeback Writes the collected writeback related transactions to a CSV file.
Debug Report Info Opens the Debug Information section, where the current debug settings are displayed. Depending on the design mode settings, this section provides details about requests, responses, and data set information. The Activity Log and Data Set Info tabs offer insights into elapsed time for various activities and how data sets are constructed and grouped. Additionally, there is a DataSet Info button that shows the collected client data sets along with the corresponding server data sets, available if the design mode option Display Dataset Info Before Executing is enabled.

Using the Document Action Pane

To change the width of the task pane, move the cursor to the very edge of the pane and wait until the cursor changes its position to a double-headed arrow. Then drag the edges of the task pane to resize. If the standard size of the pane is affected after it has been resized then, the display icons will be shown as a list.

It is also possible to undock the task pane. Hoover over the top of the pane with the mouse pointer until a cross arrow icon appears. Now it is possible to drag the pane and either drop it as a separate undocked window or to dock it to the left/right/upper/lower part of Excel.

Troubleshooting the Task Pane

If the task pane, Document Actions, does not appear the easiest way to open it is to use the Document Actions button in the IFS Business Reporter ribbon