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Report Activities

This section offers a brief overview of each activity that can be performed in Report Mode.

The following activities are accessible in the IFS Business Reporter ribbon.

Go to Design

Navigate from Report Mode to Design Mode. Requires report design user privileges.

Run Report

Runs the current report.

Load Report

Opens the Load Report from Database dialog where the design of a specific report revision can be selected to load from the database.

Order Report

Opens the Order Report dialog where a specific revision of a report can be selected for execution.

Manage Export Archive

Opens the Manage Archive dialog box. Use this to modify reports that are saved in the archive when exporting a Microsoft Excel report.


Opens the Export to Excel Report dialog box. Use this to save and/or email the report as a pure Excel report. The dialog can also be used to save the report in the Business Reporter specific Export Archive, preparing for later import.


Opens the Import From Excel Report dialog box which is used to import data values from a previously exported pure Excel report to the target Business Reporter report.


Performs modified write-back by getting all modified cells, creating the transactions, and then saving them to the database. Requires Allow Modified Writeback to be enabled in the Design mode

Writeback All Data

Gets all writeback-enabled cells, creates the transactions, and sends them to the database. Requires Allow Complete Writeback to be enabled in the Design mode

Review Collected Data

By selecting this option, all collected write-back values will be displayed in the Writeback pane under Document Actions for manual review. The user is responsible for completing the write-back process by clicking the Save button.

Report Options

Opens the Report Options dialog that can be used to find out the report options that have been applied for the current report.

Access Type

Opens the Used Data Access Type dialog that shows the requested and the used data access type for each Information Source referenced by the report.

Document Actions

Will open or close the Document Actions pane

User Info/Login

Displays the current user. Clicking on the down-arrow will provide a link to the start page of the actual IFS Cloud instance and it is also possible to switch the environment by clicking on Change Environment.


Opens the Settings dialog that displays current settings.


Opens the About IFS Business Reporter dialog that provides information about the current product version, and build date. A link to the About description in the IFS cloud documentation related to IFS Business Reporter is also available.


Opens the End User help documentation in the IFS cloud documentation.

The following activities are available in the task pane, i.e. in Document Actions

Go to Design

Navigate from Report Mode to Design Mode. Requires design user privileges.


Run the current report.


Displays used parameters and their values.


Opens up the Writeback sub-section.

Get Modified

Gets all modified write-back enabled cells and presents the corresponding transactions. Only available in the Writeback sub-section.

Get All

Gets all write-back enabled cells and presents the corresponding transactions. Only available in the Writeback sub-section.


Performs Writeback, i.e. sends writeback-related transactions to IFS Cloud for further processing. Only available in the Writeback sub-section.


Writes the collected write-back related transactions to a CSV file.


Opens the Debug Information section where current debug settings are displayed. Information about requests and responses and detailed data set information will be available depending on design mode settings. Detailed information is related to the tabs Activity Log and Data Set Info that present time elapsed for different activities and also how data sets are built and grouped. There is also a separate button named DataSet Info that displays collected client data sets corresponding server data sets, available if the design mode option Display Dataset Info Before Executing has been selected.

Refer to the sections below for a detailed explanation of the major report activities.

Order Report Execute BR Report View and Analyse BR Report Save BR Report Writeback Export to Excel Report Manage Export Archive Import from Excel Report