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Order Report

The Order Report activity is used to execute previously published reports.

An IFS Business Reporter report is published in Design Mode via the Published Report dialog available in the IFS Business Reporter (BR) ribbon. A report can either be published for Business Reporter access only or fully published to be available in the IFS Cloud and the IFS Business Reporter Client. Publishing a report for Business Reporter access only is useful when doing performance investigations and it will provide access to the execution parameter page in IFS Cloud Web.


To access a published report you must be an authenticated user, i.e. you should have the necessary privileges to access the Report Mode in the Business Reporter client, the Order Report page in IFS Cloud, and access to one or more of the published BR reports.

Order through IFS Business Reporter Client

To order a published Business Reporter report through the IFS Business Reporter client:

Select a published report from the Order Report dialog in the IFS Business Reporter ribbon and click Order to start the execution. If the report has parameters the Enter Parameter Values dialog box will open. Provide parameter values and then click OK to order the report.

Order through IFS Cloud

To order an IFS Business Reporter report through IFS Cloud:

1.Navigate to the Order Report page in IFS Cloud

2.Use the Report Type to filter for the IFS Business Reporter reports.

3.Select an IFS Business Reporter report from the list.

4.Click Order Report.

5.Fill in the parameters in the Parameters tab (If available).

6.Use the Distribution tab if the report should be distributed to other users. By default, only the person who creates the order will get access to the report after it is executed and saved to the Report Archive. However, if you need other users/user groups to access the report, you can set it here.

7.Finally, click Finish to start the report execution.

Report Archive


Executed report instances will be available in the Report Archive until the expiration date is reached. The archive can thus be used to see the contents of old report executions.

  1. Navigate to the Report Archive page in IFS Cloud
  2. Select the IFS Business Reporter report instance.
  3. Click the Show BR Report button. The selected report will be downloaded.

When you open the downloaded report it opens in the Report Mode of IFS Business Reporter. When in Report Mode, only a few options will be available unless you log on to the IFS Business Reporter Client. Use the login option in the IFS Business Reporter ribbon to log on. Now it will be possible to use existing Report Mode options.

If the user is an authorized report designer it will be possible to go to Design Mode and use all design options, including modifying the report design and creating a new revision of the report. However, if a pure non-Business Reporter report has been created in the archive, via the IFS Business Reporter Execution Server, then it is not possible to view the report design.

Schedule through IFS Cloud

Scheduling a report involves setting a specific execution schedule that will trigger the report to run at a designated time. The schedule can be configured to run on any chosen day, week, month, or at regular intervals, with the option to include a timestamp. Once the report is executed according to the schedule, it can be accessed through the Report Archive page in IFS Cloud. Additionally, you can specify an email address to automatically receive the completed report after execution.

To schedule an IFS Business Reporter report through IFS Cloud:

1.Navigate to the Order Report page in IFS Cloud

2.Use the Report Type to filter for the IFS Business Reporter reports.

3.Select an IFS Business Reporter report from the list.

4.Click Schedule Report. Alternatively, click on the three dots next to the check box to find the Schedule Report option. You will then be directed to the Schedule Report form.

5.If the report contains any Parameters, enter them and click on Next.

6.Then you will be directed to the Schedule dialog where the Recurrence Pattern (Daily, weekly, monthly etc. and the Time) and the Range of Recurrence (Start and End Dates) must be entered. Click on Next to proceed to the next dialog.

7.The next dialog is Schedule Options. Here you can select the language code, set the report schedule to active or inactive state, and send a stream notification upon the execution of the report at the scheduled time.

8.Click on Next and you will be directed to the Distribution dialog. By default, only the person who creates the schedule will get access to the report after it is executed and saved to the Report Archive. However, if you need other users/user groups also to access the report, you can set it here. Click on Next to proceed to the final step.

9.The final step is the Settings dialog. When the scheduled report is executed, you can send an Email notification to a specific address by typing the address under the Email to option under the When Scheduled Report is finished section.

If you need to receive an e-mail with the report attached, set the E-mail to toggle button to Yes and type in an e-mail address in the box in front of it. If you need to save the report to Document Management, set the Archive the report as a document toggle button to yes and type in a Document number.

Note: The executed report will be attached to the mail, only if the report is rendered via IFS BR Execution Server.

10.Finally, click on the Finish button and you will see the below message if your report was scheduled successfully.