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Download Report from BR Archive

This activity is used to download a Business Reporter report that has been saved in the BR Export Archive. The executed Business Reporter report is saved during the export of the Excel report without attaching the Business Reporter functionality.

If the downloaded report is saved on the local disk, running, saving, or exporting it to a different database will be possible.

To download a Business Reporter report from the BR archive:

  1. Go to the Design Mode and click Manage Export Archive to open the Manage Archive dialog box.


After exporting the Excel report without attaching the Business Reporter functionality, you will be asked whether you want to manage the archive. You can open the archive dialog by clicking Yes when the question appears.

  1. Select a report in the Report Selection tab, then click Download.


To perform this activity:

  • The report you want to download must have been saved in the Business Reporter export archive.
  • You must have access to the report.

System Effects

This activity has no system effects.