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Publishing an Analysis Model to a Workspace

This page provides information regarding the end-to-end Publishing process of an Analysis Model.


Publishing is making the latest version of an IFS Core Analysis Model available in the desired target workspace via IFS Cloud Web. To facilitate this process, IFS Core models should be available in the Golden Workspace.

Golden Workspace

Golden workspace facilitates the Publishing and Downloading processes. This specific workspace includes all the IFS Core Models per version and release.

To populate the Golden Workspace: Navigate to Analysis Models Power BI Content repo and download the IFS Core Models, which should be added to the Golden Workspace in your own Power BI tenant.

Golden Workspace models follow a standard naming convention (i.e. IFS_GL_24R1_V2)

-- {Name: 'GeneralLeger', ReleaseVersion: '24R1', Version: 'V2', SourceWorkspaceId: 'sameasGoldenWorkspaceId', ReportId: 'OriginalIdFromGoldenWorksace'}

The display name will be referenced to the SourceReportDetails.


During this release, Golden workspace is accessible through the Download Models page as well as through the Lobby Element Designer.In future releases, it will be accessible only via Download Models page.

Publishing and Refreshing an Analysis Model:

  • Step 01: Select the desired Core Analysis Model (should be available in the Golden Workspace)
  • Step 02: Complete Publish Model assistant (change Name/Area as desired, enable/disable RLS)
  • Step 03: Set Refresh Intervals

Navigating to the Analysis Models page can be done by searching via the Navigator.

Initiate the Publish Process

The publish process initiates when the Publish Model assistant is completed. The Publish option is available on the Analysis Models page. Publish Model is a two-step assistant that allows you to rename the model if required and select the functional area (target workspace). IFS Cloud Web will update the status of the Publishing progress while the transition progresses.

Analysis Model Page:

Available functions :
Property Description
Details Navigate to the Analysis Model Details page
Set Refresh Intervals Set up model refresh time
Upload Model Upload a new/ customized model
Download Model Download an IFS-Core model version from Golden Workspace
Publish Model Push the golden workspace model directly to the Target Workspace
View logs Navigate to the Analysis Models page to view detailed logs of the sequence

By default, an entry is always selected on the Analysis Models page.

Publish Model Assistant

Click Publish Model to open up the Publish Model assistant.


During the transition status (Publishing, Uploading, Loading, Refreshing), the Publish Model option will not be displayed.

Data Properties
Property Description
Name Selected Analysis Model entry's name will be the default value.
The Name is a mandatory field and it can be changed if required. This property needs to have a value set before initiating the Publishing process.
Area Selected Analysis Model entry's Area value will be the default value. The dropdown shows all the available functional Areas available for Publishing an Analysis Model.
The Area is a mandatory selection.
RLS (Row Level Security) Embedded By default, RLS enabling option is toggled OFF . It can be toggled ON based on the requirement.
Area Selected Analysis Model entry's Area value will be the default value. The dropdown shows the available functional Areas available for Publishing an Analysis Model.
The Area is a mandatory selection.
RLS (Row Level Security) Embedded By default, RLS enabling option is toggled OFF . It can be toggled ON based on the model's RLS status.

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1.Change the default Name if required.

2.Change Area if required.

3.Check/Un-check RLS Embedded toggle.


Note that for this release, Shared is not an area which is provisioned to be used during the Analysis Models Publish/Upload.

About Row Level Security

When a client asks for an embed token the Power BI Embedded service reads the user identity of the Open ID Connect token and includes this in the request to create an embed token. The way an identity needs to be created is dependent on the data source (Power BI Import mode, AAS mode or SSAS mode all with or without RLS).

The below table shows how an effective identity is created in the Import scenario.

For Power BI Import with RLS (ImportWithRls):
  • Username - The claim of the open id connect token as configured in the environment variable “usernameClaim”
  • Dataset of the report
  • Roles-“EmbedUser” or specific value of Role
  • customData-NULL
For Power BI Import without RLS (6, ImportNoRls ):

Do not pass in an effective identity.

Read more about Row Level Security.


  • RLS Embedded toggle represents the model's RLS status. By default, this is turned OFF while Publishing an IFS Core Model. Therefore, during the Publish process, this toggle needs to be changed accordingly based on the Analysis Model's RLS status. If not, Publish Errors are expected.

Read more about RLS Enabled Models.

4.Click Publish. (the Publish button is enabled by default, as the values for the Name and Area fields are populated based on the selection)

Publishing progress status updates are initiated on another page, which is the Analysis Model Deployment page. A toast message of the successful initiation of the model publishing is displayed on this page. Since the process is asynchronous, the user is redirected to the Analysis Models page within 10 seconds, and Publishing progress is updated in the Analysis Models page's status column.

If the Publishing process encounters any error, it displays error details on the Analysis Model Deployment page.

After Publishing

Related Analysis Model entry is updated with the transitioned status value in the Analysis Models page.

Publishing Completed -IFS Cloud web

Once the Publish process is completed successfully; the status is updated as Published in IFS Cloud web, and the target workspace is updated with the dataset and report.

Publishing Completed -Target Workspace

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To enable and update report data, Refresh Intervals need to be defined to the relevant Analysis Model, to finalize the Publish process.

Model refreshing

After a successful Publishing process, the model can be refreshed based on the defined Refresh Intervals or by performing an Explicit Model Refresh.

During the Publish process, Loading always happens to transform the DIM and FACTs into Parquet files before starting the dataset refresh. The scheduler pod is triggered every minute to check if data needs to be refreshed based on the refresh information.

Read more about how the Refresh Schedule works.

Explicit Model Refresh

This can be done by selecting the Refresh Model option on the Analysis Models page. Once Model Refresh is triggered, the Explicit Load flag will be set to True and the model refresh process will initiate. During this time (until the End Time is marked), the Refresh Model option will not be available.

Refresh Intervals

Refresh intervals can be defined based on the requirement to refresh a model. This allows the addition of a time plan and a frequency, which will be set as the refresh interval of the data set. Time is based on UTC, therefore the converted time value is required.

Navigating to the Refreshing interval setting can be done via the Analysis Models page, by clicking Set Refresh Intervals.

1.The time plan (UTC) and Refresh Frequency can be set by selecting the '+' icon. This will add a new entry that will enable selecting Hours /Minutes from the drop-down.

2.Refresh frequency can be changed by selecting a value from the drop-down. Provided frequencies are Daily and Weekly.

If the Refresh Frequency is selected as 'Weekly', the day/days can be selected accordingly.


3.Once the time is selected, click Done to add the new entry and select Save.

4.If there are further changes required in a defined Refresh Interval, an editing option is available. This will enable you to edit all the available fields.

5.When defining a new Refresh Interval, by default the schedule will indicate that it is Active. This can be toggled off when required. It will make the refresh schedule inactive.

Once saved, the Analysis Model entry is updated with the time plan in the 'Next Refresh' column. The model will be refreshed based on the created time plan.

Multiple refresh interval time plans can be added for a single model.

Analysis Model status = Loading

Analysis Model status = Refreshed

The Analysis Model Details page includes the related Refresh Details of the model. Logs can be viewed for further details.

Read more about Analysis Models Power BI Logs.

View Connected Data Sources

Once an Analysis Model is triggered for refresh, the connected data sources of that particular Analysis model can be viewed in the Analysis Model Details page. This section lists all the connected Parquet Data Sources along with some main attributes including Load Status and Last Refreshed, which can be used to determine Model refresh related status/ errors. Below functions are available within the Data Source List section.

  • Load- Available after selecting one or more Data Source entries. It can be used to Explicitly load a required data source. This will set the Explicit Load flag to Yes. Once the Loading is completed, the Explicit Load flag will be set to No, and the Load status value will be updated. The Refresh History details will also be updated.
  • Export- Available after selecting one or more Data Source entries. It enables exporting required data source(s) definition. This will export the selected data source(s) definition as a .json file.

  • Add New Data Source- This option is available by default. It can be used to create a new Parquet Data Source. The New Data Source assistant will be available to create a data source.

Read More about Parquet Data Sources.

Analysis Model Status Transition During Publishing

Analysis Models Starting Status Transitioned Status Context
Not Published Publishing Publish Model assistant is completed
Publishing Published Model cloned from Golden Workspace to the target workspace
Publishing Publish Error Error while cloning Model from Golden Workspace to target workspace
Published Loading Cron expression of the Analysis Model is expired
Loading Loading Error Error while loading Parquet Data Source
Loading Refreshing Refreshing the Analysis Model data set
Refreshing Refreshed Model refreshing completed successfully
Refreshing Refresh Error Model refreshing was not successful

The latest version of each IFS Core model is connected to each of the listed items on the Analysis Models page. If another version is required to be edited, the Download Models function enables downloading any model/any version.

Once the publishing is completed, the Publish Model function will be disabled for the respective Analysis Model. Any customizations for the same Analysis Model need to be done via the Upload Model function.