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Line Chart

Line charts could be generated inside page, card, arrange and tab definitions.


Figure 1 - Line chart in page



When to use

Follow the steps below to add a line chart to a page.

Basic Line Chart

First you have to create a data source in the projection file. Then you can connect it to the line chart as follows.

linechart LineChartTest for ExampleLineChart {  

When it comes to a basic line chart it should have a label, x-axis and y-axis.

  • Label: Title of the chart.
  • x: Configurations of x-axis (Argument axis) of the chart.
  • y: Configurations of y-axis (Value axis) of the chart.

The following code describes how to create a basic line chart on IFS Cloud Web pages.

------------- MAIN PAGES -----------------  
page TestPage using LineChartEntityset {  
   title = "Line Chart Test Page";  
   linechart LineChartTest;  

------------- VISUAL COMPONENTS -----------------  
linechart LineChartTest for ExampleLineChart {  
   label = "Title of Line Chart";  
   x {  
      label = "Text for X axis";  
      value ConnectionType;  
   y {  
      label = "Text for Y axis";  
      value Count;  

1. Define a line chart

Define a line chart in the client model file using the following format.

linechart <line_chart_name> for <entity_name> {  

<line_chart_name> - identity of the line chart, always use a meaningful identifier.

<line_name> - The entity or the summary the line chart is based on, see examples below:

------------ Example code ---------------  
linechart OrderTypeLineChart for OrderTypeSummary {  

2. Add the line chart to the container

A line chart can be added to a page, card, arrange, tab. A line chart gets it's vales from a data source which is either an an entityset, an array or reference:

  1. Add the line chart with its own entityset for example, to the page:
page <page_name> {  
    linechart <line_chart_name> using <entityset_for_line_chart>;  

<entityset_for_line_chart> - This is the entityset that serves as the data source from which the line chart gets its values. The entityset must be based on the same entity that was used to define the line chart.

------------- Example code Method 1 -----------  
page LineChart using OrdersSet {  
     linechart OrderCategoriesLineChart using OrderCategoriesSet;  
  1. Add the line chart to use the entityset of the page:
page <page_name> using <entityset_for_page> {  
    linechart <line_chart_name>;  

This method is useful if the purpose of the page is to display a line chart of records. In such instances it is not mandatory to define an entityset for the line chart since it gets its values from the <entityset_for_page>.

---------------- Example code Method 2 ----------------  
page LineChart using OrderCategoriesSet {  
    linechart OrderCategoriesLineChart;  
  1. Add the line chart to use an array or a reference:
page <page_name> using <entityset_for_page> {  
    linechart <line_chart_name>(<line_chart_array>);  

<line_chart_array> - This is the array or reference defined in the related projection file.

Most of the time an array or reference is connected to a parent record and needs to be updated when the parent record is changed. In such instances the line chart needs to be bound to the control which has the parent record, for example a selector or a list. The binding is done using the bind keyword.

page <page_name> using <entityset_for_page> {  
    selector <selector_name>;  
    linechart <line_chart_name>(&ltline_chart_array>) bind <selector_name>;  

-------- Example code Method 3 -----------  
page Form using OrdersSet {  
    selector OrdersSelector;  
    linechart OrderItemsLineChart(OrderItemsArray) bind OrdersSelector;  
  1. Add the line chart to use a function that returns an entity collection:
page <page_name> {  
    list <line_chart_name> using <function_set>;  

<function_set> - This is the function defined in the related projection file that returns an entity collection. Function should return the same type entity collection as the line chart is based on. Function parameters can get values from several places like the current record of the page, global context, search context, etc.

------------ Example code Method 4 ----------------  
page Form using ServiceInvoiceSet {  
    selector ServiceInvoiceSelector;  
    list ServiceInvoiceLineList using GetInvoiceLines(InvoiceNo, context.Company);  

Adding a line chart to a card

The below code snippets would show how line chart could be integrated to a card (Only referenced line chart could be generated).

(Parent-Child relationship [1-M])

card CardName for SomeEntity {  
    linechart LineChartName(ChildArrayName);  

3. Configuring line chart axes

A line chart has two axes. Two axes can be defined using x and y properties in marble.

Following is a simple code snippet that shows the way of defining two axes in marble.

linechart LineChartTest for ExampleLineChart {  
   label = "Title of Line Chart";  
   x {  
      label = "X axis title";  
   y {  
      label = "Y axis title";  

‘x’ represents the x-axis and ‘y’ represents the y-axis.

Each line chart axis has two main parts.

  • label: The title of the axis.
  • value: The attribute which offers values to the axis.
x {  
   label = "Text for X axis";  
   value ConnectionType;  
y {  
   label = "Text for Y axis";  
   value Count;  

4. Adding values to line chart

X axis can only have one value. Y axis can have more than one value. A simple single series line chart can be defined as follows.

linechart LineChartTest for ExampleLineChart {  
   label = "Title of Line Chart";  
   x {  
      label = "Employee Name";  
      value Employee;  
   y {  
      label = "Work Experience";  
      value mathematics;  

Multiple Series

When it comes to multiple series line charts y axis can have multiple values. Multiple series can be added to the line chart in two ways.

  1. Adding multiple fields to y-axis:
y {  
    label = "Count";  
    value CountConnectionType;  
    value CountMchCode;  
 Each `value` attribute in y-axis represents one series.
  1. Splitting values in a column:
y {  
    label = "Count";  
    value CountMchCode;  
    split {  
        value ConnectionType;  
 In this case a series will be generated for each distinct value in the split field.
  1. Color Splitting values in a column:
y {  
    label = "Count";  
    value CountMchCode;  
    colorsplit {  
        value ConnectionType;  
 This selects the colour of a particular data point depending on the available values in a specified column for colorsplit.

5. Set the appropriate properties for the line chart

Set one or more properties for the line chart such as label, collapsed etc. For a complete line chart of the properties and how to set them see the Properties section below.

6. Setting TopN values

The keyword topn is used to limit the number of visible x axis values according to different conditions. There are 3 modes in topn:

Note! Top N options can be used only in single series line charts.

1 - Count

Is used to limit the number of slices by specifying the number slices to be shown.

linechart TopNTestLineChart for ItemSummary {  
    label = "Line Chart Top N Count(5)";  
    orderby = CurrentCount asc;  
    x {  
        label = "Regions";  
        value Region;  
    y {  
        label = "No. Items";  
        value CurrentCount;  
        topn = Count(5);  

The above condition would make the line chart to only show top 5 lines along with others line.

2 - ThresholdValue

Is used to limit the number of lines by specifying a minimum value.

linechart TopNTestLineChart for ItemSummary {  
    label = "Line Chart Top N Threshold Value 100";  
    x {  
        label = "Regions";  
        value Region;  
    y {  
        label = "No. Items";  
        value Count;  
        topn = ThresholdValue(100);  

The above condition would make the line chart to only show lines that have a value greater than or equal to 100.

3 - ThresholdPercent

Is used to limit the number of slices by specifying a minimum percentage of the total

linechart TopNTestLineChart for ItemSummary {  
    label = "Line Chart Top N Threshold Value 100";  
    x {  
        label = "Regions";  
        value Region;  
    y {  
        label = "No. Items";  
        value Count;  
        topn = ThresholdPercent(20);  

The above condition would make the line chart to only show lines that has a percentage greater than or equal to 20 of the total.

In all of the 3 modes others line would be shown along with lines which satisfied the given criteria. others line represents the sum of all the other lines which didn’t satisfy the condition.

Others line can be hidden using showothers property.

y {  
    label = "No. Items";  
    value Count;  
    topn = ThresholdPercent(20);  
    showothers = [false] // default value is true  

6. Setting custom colors on line chart

There are two ways that you can use to color lines in line charts. Although emphasis property has to be used in both ways.

  1. Using the chart emphasis property.
linechart LineChartTest for ExampleLineChart {  
    label = "Title of Line Chart";  
    x {  
        label = "Employee Name";  
        value Employee;  
    y {  
        label = "Work Experience";  
        value mathematics;  
    emphasis Complementary1 = [XValueFieldName = "Something"];  
    emphasis Complementary3 = [YValueFieldName = "Something"];  
  1. Using the emphasis property inside value.
linechart LineChartTest for ExampleLineChart {  
    label = "Title of Line Chart";  
    x {  
        label = "Employee Name";  
        value Employee;  
    y {  
        label = "Work Experience";  
        value Experience {  
            emphasis Complementary1 = [ValueFieldName = "Something"];  

7. Setting custom patterns on line chart

When it comes to patterns too there are two ways of applying a patterns to lines in line chart. In both ways pattern property has to be used.

  1. Using the pattern property inside chart:
linechart LineChartTest for ExampleLineChart {  
    label = "Title of Line Chart";  
    x {  
        label = "Employee Name";  
        value Employee;  
    y {  
        label = "Work Experience";  
        value Experience;  
    pattern linepattern1 = [Experience = "Something"]  
  1. Using the pattern property inside the value block:
linechart LineChartTest for ExampleLineChart {  
    label = "Title of Line Chart";  
    x {  
        label = "Employee Name";  
        value Employee;  
    y {  
        label = "Work Experience";  
        value Experience {  
            label = "Experience"  
            pattern linepattern1 = [true];   
            //value true can be used  

8. Adding constant lines

In line charts constant lines can be added to both x and y axes. Following is the syntax of adding a simple constant line to the x axis of a line chart.

linechart OrderItemLineChart for OrderItem {  
    orderby = ItemSupplyDate asc;  
    x {  
        label = "Item Supply Date";  
        value ItemSupplyDate {  
            label = "Item Supply Date";  
        constantline {  
            label = "Forecast Cut Off 1";  
            value = "${parent.ForecastCutOff1}";  
    y {  
        label = "Quantity";  
        value SupplyQuantity {  
            label = "Supply Quantity";  
            seriestype = line;  
            seriesstyle = linepattern1;  
            emphasis Complementary5 = [true];  
        value DemandQuantity {  
            label = "Demand Quantity";  
            seriestype = line;  
            seriesstyle = linepattern6;  
            emphasis Complementary6 = [true];  

In the above code snippet, along with the constantline property, value property has been used as well. The reason of having value property inside constant line block is to give a certain value to the constantline, and then it will be drawn based on that value on the corresponding axis.

Other than value and label properties, there are three properties available in constant line block.

1 - Pattern

This property is being used to add a line pattern to a constantline.

constantline {  
    label = "Forecast Cut Off 1";  
    value = "${parent.ForecastCutOff1}";  
    pattern linepattern7 = [true];  

2 Emphasis

This property is being used to add a color to a constantline.

constantline {  
    label = "Forecast Cut Off 1";  
    value = "${parent.ForecastCutOff1}";  
    pattern linepattern7 = [true];  
    emphasis Complementary5 = [true];  

3 - Visible

Using this property you can hide a particular constantline conditionally.

constantline {  
    label = "Forecast Cut Off 1";  
    value = "${parent.ForecastCutOff1}";  
    pattern linepattern7 = [true];  
    emphasis Complementary5 = [true];  
    visible = [true] // boolean value or a condition  

9. Navigate to details

There are two ways of implementing this. Either you can implement it in chart level or else you can implement it in series level. To add a series specific navigation link, you have to use the series level implementation as the chart level implementation will impact across all the series in a chart.

1 - Chart level implementation

page ActivityPage using ActivityChartEntityset {  
    title = "Activity Chart";  
    linechart ActivityLineChart {  
        details = ActivityDetailsPage(ActivityType, MainRepresentativeId);  

linechart ActivityLineChart for ActivityChartSummary {  
    x {  
        label = " Activity Type ";  
        value ActivityType;  
    y {  
        label = "Count";  
        value CountActivityType;  
        split {  
            value MainRepresentativeId;  

Using this syntax you can specify the page to be navigated together with the parameters that need to be passed.

Also there's another way of specifing a pages to navigate. You can use a navigaiton URL for that. Following is an example of that.

page ActivityPage using ActivityChartEntityset {  
    title = "Activity Chart";  
    linechart ActivityLineChart {  
        details = "page/CherlkBusinessActivity/ActivityPage?$filter=ActivityType eq $[ ACTIVITY_TYPE] and MainPrepresentativeId eq $[MAIN_REPRESENTATIVE_ID]";  

2 - Series level implementation

The only difference here is that you can declare navigation URL specific to the series. Following is an example implementation of this.

linechart EmployeeLineChart for EmployeeSummary {  
    label = "Employee Stats";  
    orderby = AvgAge asc;  
    x {  
        label = "Role";  
        value Role;  
    y {  
        label = "Years";  
        value AvgAge {  
            label = "Average Age";  
            details = EmployeesPage(Role);  
        value AvgWorkingExp {  
            label = "Average Working Experience";  
            details = "page/TstAcwilkEmployee/EmployeesPage?$filter=Role eq $[Role] and WorkingExp gt $[AvgWorkingExp]";  

You can use any of the attributes available in the record as parameters.

10. Using commands in line chart

With this functionality, it is possible to execute custom commands on selected data points. A data point is single record bound and has an associated record behind. Same as in Navigate to Details, it is possible to access all the attributes of the associated record upon a click. Following us a basic implementation of custom commands in charts.

linechart CostSummaryGraph for CostSummary {  
   label = "Cost Summary Graph";  
   x {  
       value Category;  
   y {  
       value Count;  

   command CostVariance;  
   command CostActivity;  

command CostVariance for CostSummary {  
   label = "Cost Variance";  
   execute {  
      navigate "page/TotalActivityCost/Form?$filter=CostCategory eq $[Category]";  
   enabled = [Count > 3];  

command CostActivity for CostSummary {  
   label = "Cost Activity";  
   execute {  
      navigate "page/TotalActivityCost/Form";  

11. Using page search context for filtering chart data source

Page search context values can be used in charts for filtering chart data source. This has to done when adding a chart into a page. Following is an example implementation of it.

page EmployeesPage using Employees {  
   searchcontext PageSearchContext {  
      defaults = GetPageSearchContextDefaults();  
   linechart EmployeesLineChart using Employees {  
      filter = [StartDate < PageSearchContext.FromDate];  

12. Using chart search context for filtering

Chart search context values can be used in charts for filtering chart data source. The following is a code example implementation of chart level search context.

page EmployeesPage using Employees {     
   linechart EmployeesLineChart using getEmployees(ChartSearchContext.<PARAM1&gt,&nbsp;ChartSearchContext.<PARAM2&gt&nbsp;) {  
      searchcontext ChartSearchContext {  
           defaults = GetChartSearchContextDefaults();  

Search context values can be used inside charts for different purposes. Example: commands, labels

13. Modify settings in line chart

With this functionality it is possible to further configure chart and modify chart metadata. The following is a code example implementation of it.

linechart CostSummaryGraph for CostSummary {  
   enablesettings = [true];      

This will enable a settings button in the chart toolbar, clicking the button will open a chart settings dialog.

14. Subscribe to other Charts

This functionality relates to publisher-subscriber model. Adding subscribable property makes a chart eligible to receive notifications from other charts. The following is a code example implementation of subscribable.

linechart CostSummaryGraph for CostSummary {  
   subscribable = [true];     

15. Using Publisher Parents in line chart

This functionality relates to publisher-subscriber model. Adding publisherparents property specifies set of publishers, who can send notifications to this chart. The following is a code example implementation of publisher parents.

linechart CostSummaryGraph for CostSummary {  
   publisherparents = <Chart_name&gt,&nbsp;<Chart_name>;     

Further configuration of publisher parents can be achieved through chart settings dialog.

16. Using Dynamic Tooltips in line chart

There are two types of user defined dynamic tooltips exist for bar chart.

1 - Inline Tooltips(Deprecated from 10UPD9)

You can specify a placeholder enabled string here. The following is a code example implementation of inline tooltips.

 linechart CostSummaryGraph for CostSummary {  
    tooltip =  <TEXT>; //ex: tooltip = "${PartNo} - ${Cost}"     

1 - Multiline Tooltips

You can specify a set of fields inside tooltip block. field visibility can be controlled. Multilined block of "{ field_label }: { field_value }" is rendered, on chart area hover. The