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Conditional Formatting

Conditional Formatting can be used to highlight specific information within a table in an IFS Cloud page. You can define conditions for a table column, and when the data in the column meets the specified conditions, it formats the corresponding column within the table. This visual enhancement improves data comprehensibility, thereby boosting user productivity by facilitating quicker and easier identification of relevant information.




When to use

When you want to highlight a specific cell within a table column or the entire row within the table based on specific criteria.

How to use

Conditional formatting can be defined at

  1. User level
  2. Developer level

Conditional formats defined at lower levels will be overridden by those at higher levels if their evaluation conditions overlap. User-level formats take precedence over developer-level formats, with the User Level having the highest priority and the Developer Level has the lowest.

Developer Level Conditional Formatting:

list SimpleList for TstListReference {
   label = "Simple List";
   field Id;
   field Description;
   conditionalformat {
      when [Id = 1] {
         fields = Id;
         backgroundformat {
            emphasis Complementary2 = [true];

User Level Conditional Formatting:

User level conditional formatting can be created using the New Formatting option available within the Lists Settings.


Priority of the Conditions

The priority of conditional formats is determined by the order in which they are created. You can view the hierarchy of applied conditions, along with their priority, in the Manage Formatting option within List Settings.


Note: The highest priority is assigned to the most recently created conditional format, which is displayed as the topmost entry. Lower-level formats will be overridden by the topmost conditional formats if their evaluation conditions overlap.


  • Conditional formatting will support only AND type complex combinations. OR type combinations are not supported. For OR type combinations a new rule needs to be created.

Example: Condition shown below will be evaluated as

Id = 3 AND Description = Three


Conditional Formatting is not supported for the following Data types: * Timestamp * Time * Date range

Conditional Formatting is not supported for the following Field types. * Progress

  • Color Picker
  • Image
  • Computed Fields


Supported Condition types

  • Equal: =
  • Less than or Equal: <=
  • Grater than or Equal: >=
  • Not Equal: !=
  • Grater than: >
  • Less than: <
  • Null: <> (Column data is empty)

  • Not null: !<> (Column data is not empty)

Note*: Condition types displayed on the condition dropdown menu is dependent on the selected data type in the column* section.


Supported Data Types

Conditional formatting is supported for following datatypes.

  • Text
  • Number
  • Date
  • Enumeration
  • Boolean
  • Boolean with truelabel / falselabel
  • LOV
  • LOV with descriptions

Supported Field Types

  • CSV support for Text and Date type fields

  • Support for nested lists

  • Support for custom fields

Technical Details

  • User level conditional formatting will be saved in the user profile. List metadata will be updated based on the user profile entries.

  • Developer level conditional formatting can be overridden at User Level.

