Get Exception Type¶
Retrieve Exception Type information from IFS Planning & Scheduling Optimization (PSO).
It's possible to retrieve the output back in two ways, either in CLOB (character large object) format or in PL/SQL record format.
The method with CLOB output accepts the following parameters:
- response_, out parameter of type CLOB, to which the response will be written.
- exception_type_id_, required parameter to specify the Exception Type ID to query for.
- language_id_, optional parameter to specify the language code for the Expense Type Description. If not specified 'en' (English) will be used.
- scheduling_config_id_, optional parameter to specify the Configuration ID from Scheduling Optimization Configuration to use. If not specified the 'DEFAULT' configuration will be used.
- response_format_, optional parameter to specify the response format. Possible values are 'XML', 'JSON' and 'IFS_MESSAGE'. If not specified 'IFS_MESSAGE' will be used as the default format.
response_ CLOB;
response_ => response_, -- Clob parameter to accept response data.
exception_type_id_ => 50, -- Exception Type ID to query for.
language_id_ => 'en', -- Language code to use.
scheduling_config_id_ => 'DEFAULT', -- Configuration ID to use.
response_format_ => 'XML'); -- Response format ('XML' / 'JSON' / 'IFS_MESSAGE').
For the above call, the response may look as following. The response may vary depending on the IFS Planning & Scheduling Optimization (PSO) version being used. For more details about retrieving Exception Type information please see the PSO Interface Guide.
<ExceptionType xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<Description>Planned Activity in Jeopardy</Description>
Tip: The IFS Message response format ('IFS_MESSAGE') allows using existing methods in Message_SYS package to handle the response which may be simpler to use in the PL/SQL code than 'XML' or 'JSON'.
The method with PL/SQL record output accepts the following parameters:
- exception_type_rec_, out parameter of type record, to which the response will be written.
- exception_type_id_, required parameter to specify the Exception Type ID to query for.
- language_id_, optional parameter to specify the language code for the Expense Type Description. If not specified 'en' (English) will be used.
- scheduling_config_id_, optional parameter to specify the Configuration ID from Scheduling Optimization Configuration to use. If not specified the 'DEFAULT' configuration will be used.
response_rec_ Scheduling_Utility_API.Exception_Type_Rec;
exception_type_rec_ => response_rec_, -- Record parameter to accept response data.
exception_type_id_ => 50, -- Exception Type ID to query for.
language_id_ => 'en', -- Language code to use.
scheduling_config_id_ => 'DEFAULT'); -- Configuration ID to use.
-- Example of handling response
Dbms_Output.Put_Line('description = ' || response_rec_.description);
The record type has the following format:
TYPE Exception_Type_Rec IS RECORD (
description VARCHAR2(500),
activation_setting NUMBER,
attention_value NUMBER,
active BOOLEAN);