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Table of Contents


Once bookmarks have been assigned to specific report elements, you can generate a table of contents that displays page numbers containing the elements included in the document map.

To create a table of contents, drag the Table Of Contents control from the Toolbox onto the report's area. If the report currently lacks a Report Header, one is automatically generated to accommodate the addition of the table of contents.

The image below demonstrates the distinction in how information is presented by a table of contents within a report compared to its appearance in a published document.

Table of Contents Structure

The structure of the table of contents comprises the following elements:

  1. Title: Displays text and formatting options specified by the Level Title property.
  2. Document Levels: These provide individual formatting settings to specific nodes of a document map's tree. You can access the collection of levels using the Levels property.

Unless specific levels have been added to a table of contents, a single default level is used to provide common settings to the elements of a document map for which no specific level has been assigned yet.