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Custom fields

To enable custom fields for IFS Report Studio Designer, the user must be granted with the FND_DESIGNER_REPORT and FND_DEVELOPER permission set. Also, the Custom Attributes framework parameter should be enabled on the System Parameters page.

Once the Entity Configurations are published successfully in Custom Fields in Reports, the custom fields will be available in the JSON data source bound to the associated report. You can then include these custom fields in your report layouts using the Report Studio Designer tool.

The only graphical difference between a custom field and an ordinary field is that the custom fields are prefixed with "CF_". On the layout, the custom fields work in the same way as any other field.

Q & A

1. Why can't I see the custom fields in the schema tree?

There can be a few reasons as stated below:

  • Make sure the custom fields are published.
  • Ensure that you have added the custom fields to the correct LU of the required report.
  • Ensure you have enabled custom fields by checking the "Enable Custom Fields" checkbox in the Report Definition form.
  • Ensure you have enabled custom fields by checking the "Enabled On Reports" checkbox in the Custom Field form.

  • Have a look at Configure Custom Fields in Reports.