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How to access IFS Cloud from the Internet

IFS Cloud should never be exposed directly to the internet without a fronting reverse proxy

Calls should be forwarded through an external reverse proxy with filtering capabilities (e.g. Netscaler, Big-Ip, IIS, Apache, NginX). Caution should always be taken when making sensitive systems accessible from the Internet. Depending on which functionality needs to be accessed from the Internet, only the required requests should be forwarded to the backend servers.

Forward filtering and whitelisting of IP addresses are advisable.

See some proxy configuration examples here

Note: For security reasons - when exposing environments to internet FQDN certificates (not self-signed or wildcard certificates) should be used.

Endpoints to where request may be forwarded to.

Some endpoints with static content are unauthenticated, e.g.: / /landing-page /auth/* /timclo

Functionality Endpoint
Landing page /
Landing page /add-on/*
Landing page landing-page/add-on.html
IFS Cloud Mobile /mob/ifsapplications/*
Cloud Web B2B /b2b/ifsapplications/*
Cloud Web B2B /b2b/ifsapplications/extensions/*
End User Documentation /ifsdoc/*
Integration /int/ifsapplications/*
Integration Workflow /int/ifsapplications/projection/engine-rest/
Integration SOAP gateway /int/soapgateway
Cloud Web /main/ifsapplications/*
Cloud Web Workflow /main/ifsapplications/projection/engine-rest/*
Cloud Web Workflow /main/ifsapplications/bpa/*
Cloud Web /main/ifsapplications/extensions/*
Authentication /auth
User Federation using SCIM /ifsapplications/SCIM/v2/
Remote Assistance /ifsapprasvc
Cloud Web /appsvc/appsrv/*
Cloud Web gisint /appsvc/gisint/*
Cloud Web Time Clock /timclo
Cloud Web Time Clock /int/ifsapplications/projection/v1/TimeClockService.svc/*
Cloud Web Payroll /int/ifsapplications/projection/v1/EmployeeMasterDataService.svc/*
Cloud Web Payroll /int/ifsapplications/projection/v1/PayrollTransactionService.svc/*
Cloud web Payroll /int/ifsapplications/projection/v1/EmployeeAbsenceDataService.svc/*
Demand Client appsvc/demand/*
Maintenix /amapi
Maintenix /arc
Maintenix /aerobuy
Maintenix /finance
Maintenix /jobcard-management-api
Maintenix /help-viewer
Maintenix /lmocweb
Maintenix /maintenix
Maintenix /mcmapi
Maintenix /mxapi
Maintenix /mxapiext
Maintenix /mxcorews
Maintenix /procurement
Maintenix /pubsub
Maintenix /recxfrapi
Maintenix /wpl-web
Maintenix /cmsApi
Maintenix /wcApi
Advanced Optmization main/ifsapplications/projection/v1/SchedulingServices.svc/*
CRM Panel /rmpanel/web/*