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Installation Guide

It is necessary to provide SMB share details for IFS Remote installation by configuring the 'ifscloud-values.yaml' file with the following attributes.

Activating File Storage Service

To activate the File storage the fssEnabled and replicas parameter needs to be set.

  fssEnabled: true
  replicas: 1

Configure SMB share path

On Windows, create a normal windows file share and add the full path as fssSmbSharePath. For Linux install a package to emulate the SMB protocol - typically Samba to get a SMB share path.

The SMB share path should be set using this variable.

  fssSmbSharePath: //<smb-hostname>/<smbshare>

This share should not be used to store files from other environments. All the folders will be created inside this share. i.e: document management files will be stored in docman folder.

Configure a Secret to store SMB credentials

In the ifscore configurations, a secret needs to be configured to store credentials for SMB storage in the following format. Only the marked areas by <> should be changed with the necessary values.

      name: ifs-storage-smb-credentials
       - key: username
         value: <username-value>
       - key: password
         value: <password-value>
       - key: domain
         value: <domain-value>


      name: ifs-storage-smb-credentials
       - key: username
         value: ifs
       - key: password
         value: ifs123
       - key: domain
         value: MYDOMAIN

Note: If configuring Samba on a Linux server that is not connected to a domain the domain key above is normally the hostname.

Configure Storage Size

Configure the storage size using this variable. If this variable is not specified, the default value will be set to 100Gi. Ensure that the SMB share has sufficient capacity to accommodate the specified amount. The provided value represents the minimum, and the Persistent Volume will use available storage. If there is a need to modify this value, reinstalling the middle tier is necessary.

  fssVolumeSize: <value>


  fssVolumeSize: 500Gi