Migrate Maintenance Data¶
After Maintenix and the IFS Cloud component you require as part of your solution are installed, customers with existing Maintenix data must run migration jobs based on their solution configuration to transfer existing Maintenix data into the appropriate tables in the IFSApps database. See sections below on Grant Access to Execute Migration Jobs and Execute Migration Jobs for information on granting access to migration jobs, if not already granted for your user and the jobs required to be run based on your solution configuration.
If you don't have a database with existing Maintenix maintenance data, skip the tasks below.
If the Technical Records Repository is part of your solution, in addition to running the maintenance data migration job, you must also schedule a database task to migrate attachments to the Technical Records Repository. See below Schedule Database Task to Migrate Attachments.
Grant Access to Execute Migration Jobs¶
By default, an administrator with the IFSAPP_FULL permission set has access to and can run any required migration job. You can skip the procedures in this section if you have logged in using this user. If your solution contains Mobile Maintenance for Aviation, see Migrate data from Maintenix for Mobile Maintenance for Aviation.
You can follow the procedures below, to grant another user permission to run the job.
Note: When you execute the jobs, you can execute all of them by using one job, but to see the job execution details for all the individual jobs, the user running the job must be granted access to each individual job.
To identify the full list of jobs to grant, do the following:
In the IFS Cloud Web navigator, go to the Data Migration / Migration Jobs page.
Based on your solution composition filter migration jobs by the required Group IDs as indicated in the table below. If your solution contains more than one component from the table below, filter by the required combination of Group IDs, separating Group IDs by a semicolon (;).
Solution Component Required Migration Group ID(s) Disconnected Operations MIG_MX_COM and MIG_DISCO Forward Flight Operations MIG_MX_COM and MIG_FLOPS Tip: If unable to see the Group ID filter, click the Search icon in the top banner and click More.
Click the Export icon to export the list to a spreadsheet so you have a list of all of the Job IDs.
In the IFS Cloud Web navigator, go to the Data Migration / Basic Data / Authorized Users page.
On the Grant access to users page, in the User Identity list, select a user.
Ensure that the Update Allowed switch is on.
Under Migration Jobs Granted to the User, click Bulk Grant.
Based on your solution composition filter migration jobs by the required Group IDs as indicated in the table below. If your solution contains more than one component from the table below, filter by the required combination of Group IDs, separating Group IDs by a semicolon (;).
Solution Component | Migration Group ID(s) |
Disconnected Operations | MIG_MX_COM and MIG_DISCO |
Forward Flight Operations | MIG_MX_COM and MIG_FLOPS |
Click the Select All icon and click Select More until you reach the end of the list and have selected all the migration jobs.
Click OK.
Execute Migration Jobs¶
Run the required migration jobs by logging in as an administrator user with the IFSAPP_FULL permission set or an administrator that has been granted access to the required migration jobs (See Grant Access to Execute Migration Job section above).
Based on your solution composition, migration jobs must be run according to the table below. If your solution contains more than one component from the table below, filter by the required combination of Job IDs, separating Job IDs by a semicolon (;):
Solution Component | Migration Job IDs |
Disconnected Operations | Migration Chains: 001_BASIC_DATA_RUN_ALL (MIGRATION GROUP ID - MIG_MX_COM) and 003_DISCO_RUN_ALL (MIGRATION GROUP ID - MIG_DISCO) |
Forward Flight Operations | Migration Chains: 001_BASIC_DATA_RUN_ALL (MIGRATION GROUP ID - MIG_MX_COM) and 004_FLOPS_RUN_ALL (MIGRATION GROUP ID - MIG_FLOPS) |
To execute the migration jobs, do the following:
- In the IFS Cloud Web navigator, go to the Data Migration / Migration Job page.
- Click Search in the top banner, then click Job ID and enter the Job ID of the migration job to be run based on your solution composition (see table above). Note: If you are unable to see this job, you need to log in as a user with access to the job.
- For the job you searched for, click Execute Job.
- Click the Start Job list arrow, and select Background/Online.
- While each job runs, check for errors on the Execute Job page / Details tab. If there are errors, address them. For more information, see Tips and Tricks - Handling Error Messages and Debug Info.
- Once errors are addressed, click Restart Online.
- To monitor the status of the migration job, go to the Background Processing / Background Jobs page. Alternatively, go to the Data Migration / Execution History page.
- When the job is done, verify that the data was migrated. For example, go to the Technical Records page and view the aircraft and inventory records.
Schedule Database Task to Migrate Attachments¶
If your solution includes the Technical Records Repository, use these steps to migrate Maintenix attachments (associated technical records) to the Technical Records Repository.
During installation, the Migrate Attachments database task is created and scheduled to run once with a placeholder date. You must set a start date for the database task and activate the task.
- In the IFS Cloud Web navigator, go to the Database Task Schedules page.
- In the Filter Panel, for the Name, enter Migrate Attachments Schedule.
- Select the task schedule and click View Schedule.
- Click the Edit icon.
- In the Schedule area enter the Date and Time.
- In the Time Interval area, for the Start and Stop Date, enter the same date you entered in the previous step, then click Next.
- Turn on the Active switch and the Check Executing switch, and then click Save.