IFS Enterprise Explorer deployment

This guide describes how to install Enterprise Explorer for end users in a Standard Production Environment. This can either be done in a ClickOnce or in a managed fashion.

This page is intended for System Administrators / Technicians, who manage deployment of client software into production environments.

The process of installing the client tier consists of the following parts:

  1. Check if there any special network architecture or security consideration that require changes in application settings. More information about those settings can be found here.
  2. Enterprise Explorer is a web deployed application. After running the standard installation the installation technician needs to sign the application. This is a security measure to assure that end users can trust the application.
  3. End users then type the system url in a web browser and simply clicks on the provided Http link to start the application. Depending on the network security policies Windows may prompt the user to accept to Run the application.
  4. That's it. The application now loads and starts automatically from the web. If you have chosen to publish the application as an Installed application a Windows Start menu entry is also created.

Three scenarios is provided in this document: