Create a private key and a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

This page describes how to generate a CSR file intended for enable ClickOnce deployment, which later will be turned into a certificate by a signing Certificate Authority.

A private key is the secret which is used to prove that a server truly is the owner of its certificate. The private key and the certificate (which contains the corresponding public key) is basis for the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). A Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is a request from a private key owner for a certificate. The CSR is signed by a Certificate Authority to create a certificate.

Follow these steps to create a CSR using the openssl tool, which is located in <ifs_home>\openssl\bin folder.

  1. Create and execute create_clickonce_csr.cmd:
    @echo off
    SET OPENSSL_PATH=C:\ifs\openssl\bin
    SET KEYFILE_PWD=clickonce_protected.key
    SET KEYFILE=clickonce.key
    SET CSRFILE=clickonce.csr
    SET CSRCONFIG=opensslconf_clickonce_csr.txt
    if exist %KEYFILE_PWD% goto SKIP_KEYFILE_PWD
    echo ** 
    echo ** File %KEYFILE_PWD% will be created. 
    echo ** You will have to choose a passphrase for it.
    echo ** 
    openssl genrsa -des3 -out %KEYFILE_PWD% %KEYLENGTH%
    if exist %KEYFILE% goto SKIP_KEYFILE
    echo ** 
    echo ** File %KEYFILE% will be created. 
    echo ** You will have to enter passphrase used to create %KEYFILE_PWD%.
    echo ** 
    openssl rsa -in %KEYFILE_PWD% -out %KEYFILE%
    if exist %CSRFILE% goto SKIP_CSR
    echo **
    echo ** Create %CSRCONFIG% and enter usefull req_distinguished_name 
    echo ** information, describing the enterprise.
    echo ** Save file, then press enter to continue.
    echo **
    notepad %CSRCONFIG%
    openssl req -new -key %KEYFILE% -out %CSRFILE% -config %CSRCONFIG%
    echo **
    echo ** Certificate Signing Request (CSR) created successfully.
    echo **
  2. When asked to create opensslconf_clickonce_csr.txt. For testing purposes the example configuration provided bellow may be used - but remember to correct the information. Your Certificate Authority should be able to inform you of what information they want you to submit.
     [ req ]
     default_bits           = 1024
     default_keyfile        = keyfile.pem
     distinguished_name     = req_distinguished_name
     attributes             = req_attributes
     prompt                 = no
     output_password        = mypass
     [ req_distinguished_name ]
     C                      = GB
     ST                     = Test State or Province
     L                      = Test Locality
     O                      = Organization Name
     OU                     = Organizational Unit Name
     CN                     = Common Name
     emailAddress           = test@email.address
     [ req_attributes ]
  3. Verify success! The output should look something like this:
    ** File clickonce_protected.key will be created.
    ** You will have to choose a passphrase for it.
    Loading 'screen' into random state - done
    Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus
    e is 65537 (0x10001)
    Enter pass phrase for clickonce_protected.key:
    Verifying - Enter pass phrase for clickonce_protected.key:
    ** File clickonce.key will be created.
    ** You will have to enter passphrase used to create clickonce_protected.key.
    Enter pass phrase for clickonce_protected.key:
    writing RSA key
    ** Create opensslconf_clickonce_csr.txt and enter usefull req_distinguished_name
    ** information, describing the enterprise.
    ** Save file, then press enter to continue.
    Press any key to continue . . .
    ** Certificate Signing Request (CSR) created successfully.
    Press any key to continue . . .
    Also you should note that files clickonce_protected.key, clickonce.key, opensslconf_server_csr.txt and server.csr have been created. The .key files are private files which must not be compromised, so ensure that these files are protected (restrictive file permissions etc). The server.csr file is public and should sent to your Certificate Authority which will create a certificate for you.