Upgrade/MoveTAS Installation

This section explains how to upgrade and/or how to move an existing IFS Touch Apps Server Installation.


Upgrade of an existing IFS Touch Apps Server Installation

Upgrade of an existing IFS Touch Apps Server installation is done by running the IFS Touch Apps Server installer. Take a safe copy of the web.config file before upgrading.

When running the installer to upgrade an existing installation, you may need to enter connection information for the existing database. You may also need to re-enter the port number of the Touch Apps Server IIS site.

The installer will overwrite many manual changes to the web.config file. These changes must be re-applied after the installation. You can read more about typical changes to web.config in the IIS Configuration section.


Admin Database Schema Upgrade

The IFS Touch Apps Server installer upgrades the schema of the admin database. Older versions of IFS Touch Apps Server will not work with the upgraded schema. Different executing versions of IFS Touch Apps Server must connect to different admin databases. Ensure there is a backup of the admin database before upgrading.

When using both an installation user and a runtime user, you need to re-enter the installation user credentials.

Move of an existing IFS Touch Apps Server Installation

When moving an existing IFS Touch Apps Server Installation to a new server, the following needs to be considered.


Certificate and private key

When IFS Touch Apps Server is installed, a certificate (public key) and private key pair are generated to support asymmetric encryption.

The existing certificate and private key must be exported from the existing installation. The exported certificate information can then be imported on the new server.

Access to the private key must match the access given on the existing installation. Network Service, the local Users group and the Common User in a Web Farm installation must have read access to the private key.

Install on the new server

After performing the above tasks, run IFS Touch Apps Server installer on the new server.