Avalara Installations

Purpose of this page is to describe Avalara installation in detail.

When to use this information:

When the necessary IFS components are installed, this guide describes how to install Avalara integration.


Routing Rules

There are four Outbound Routing Rules introduced for Avalara

Setup Routing Address

There are four Routing Addresses with the names similar to those in Routing Rules.

The URL information for Routing Addresses should be filled in with the information received from Avalara.

Example URL - https://development.avalara.net/Address/AddressSvc.asmx

Setup Authentication Details

Authentication details can be entered in Application Base Setup/Enterprise/Tax/External Tax Parameters page as follows.

Avalara provides User Name and Password when purchasing the Avalara product.

‘Verify Avalara Connection’ RMB option does the verification of the entered credentials in the Avalara Connection Information section. IFS Applications uses the integration to Avalara to do the verification.

Grant Permission Set

All Users or Permission Sets that will be using Avalara must have the EXTERNAL_TAX_SYSTEMS_USER permission set granted to be able to access functionalities.