Appendix D - Troubleshooting the CBS Installation for Windows Vista and Windows 2008 Server or Later

CBS services (bridge and server) may not pop up in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 and later installations and hence users cannot immediately interact with the applications.

In Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and earlier versions of the Windows operating system, all services run in the same session as the first user who logs on to the console. This session is called Session 0. As a security enhancement, Widows Vista and Windows Server 2008 and later OSs isolate Windows services in Session 0 and run all other user initiated applications in other sessions. Since Session 0 is no longer a user session, services that are running in Session 0 do not have access to the video driver. This means that any attempt that a service makes to render graphics fails. Therefore if a service attempts to create a user interface, the user interface is not immediately visible to the user.

You can work around this by enabling and starting the Interactive Services Detection Service. In order to enable and start Interactive Services Detection Service you can simply type the following two commands at a command line.

sc config UI0Detect start= auto
net start UI0Detect

Note: UI0Detect is UI "zero" Detect.

Once you enable this service you can start and stop it like a normal Windows service.

Now if you run a service which creates a user interface (ex: - bridge, server), you will see the Interactive Services Detection dialog box (Figure D-1)

Figure D-1. Interactive Services Dialog Detection

If you click on "Show me the message" you will be switched onto Session 0 and the user interface is shown (Figure D-2).

Figure D-2. Interactive Services Detection Dialog

You can return to your desktop by clicking Return now.

If you select “Remind me in a few minutes” in the Interactive Services Detection dialog box (Figure D-1), you will be reminded in 5 minutes and it will continue to remind you until you close the user interface created by the service.

After the Interactive Services Detection Service is disabled, users will no longer receive notifications when the services send user interfaces to Session 0.