How to Prepare Database Objects and Generate

You prepare database objects to set the installation control, fresh installation or an upgrade scenario, as well as starting the generation of the database files that will result in singel, merged and installation tempate files.


An install.ini file should exist. The file is found in <build_home>\database folder e.g. <workspace>\build_home\database.

Note: When you run this step you will also create .tem’s for deployable files in subfolders. E.g. for IALs and IAL.tem will be created.

To be able to generate database files, IFS Base Functionality (fndbas) must have been built to <workspace>\build_home.

For details see Page: Prepare Database Objects and Generate

Actions to perform:

  1. Select the page header Prepare Database Objects and Generate.
  2. By default the Build Source Directory will be filled with correct path to where install.ini exists, if Build Destination is set in page Create Build Structure and Compile.
  3. If Build Source Directory is not filled with correct information, browse to the folder where install.ini is located (<build_destination>\database).
  4. Select in Generate if generation of database files and installation template files should be started when Save Settings is pressed.

    To get all database files copied, generated and installation template files created select Generate Database files.

    If the script build.cmd in not available in the build destination (<build_home>\build) the selection will be disabled and value ignored in the process.

    ConfigBuilder will start the script that will in turn start the generation script. If the generation script is not available in build destination, the script will prompt a message about missing script.

  5. Select Refresh to reload files. For example the install.ini file has been manually edited because of unresolved dependencies or merged files has been removed.
  6. Select Get Defaults to revert modified values to standard values.
  7. Select Get values from database to check version of installed components and get correct version set for upgrade. Dialog: Login
  8. If needed, manually select in column Version the correct installation control for each component included.
  9. Select Save Settings to update the install.ini files.

    Save Settings also triggers the generation of database files, including creation of installation template file(s), if Generate Database files was selected.

Note: Three additional tem files should be created/copied to <build_home>\database folder, biservices.tem, plugin.isd and define.tem. The define.tem is copied from the <build_home>\template\fndbas folder, biservices.tem and plugin.isd are created as dummy template if not already exist. These file will be called by the install.tem template.

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