How to Build Manually

Building manually is done when you want to test your components or make a quick build for a development environment. In this scenario it is assumed that the Components are located in a project structure next to each other. The Project folder is the start for the manual build.

Note: You don't need a configuration file or a RRC file to do manual builds. The result will be stored in <build_home> that you specify directly in the page Create Build Structure And Compile.

The manual build step can use the same structure of creating builds as all the other scenarios described above, and you may also choose destination target completely free. The only normal steps you skip in a manual build is the selection and fetching of components.


The IFS Configuration Builder must have been installed according to How to Start IFS Configuration Builder.

To be able to compile Java and C#, and to generate database files, IFS Base Functionality (fndbas) must be included in the build or already exist in the <build_home>.

The Components that you want to build must reside in a project catalog structure.

Actions to perform

  1. Page Create Build Structure And Compile
    1. Click Browse for the Components Folder field.
    2. Navigate to and select your "components".
    3. Create and set the Build Destination.
    4. Select the languages that should be included in build.
    5. Set whether Java and/or C# compilation should be started after completed build in Compile Options
    6. Click the Build button.
    7. More information in How to Build in General if needed.
  2. Page Prepare Database Objects and Generate
    1. Set correct installation control for the components, manually or by fetching values from database.
    2. Set whether Generate database files should be started when Save Settings has been pressed.
    3. Click Save Settings.
    4. More information in How to Prepare Database Objects and Generate if needed.

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