RRC file

The IFS Configuration Builder can fetch files for the build from either a reference directory structure, the Release Repository, or another file based structure.

The RRC file (Release Repository Catalog) determines from where to fetch the components. If you select to fetch your components from an release archive, a RRC file is automatically generated for you, and saved into your profile. Basically the RRC file is the master control file for the build.

The RRC file is a semi-colon separated text file that provides the Configuration Builder with the mapping of component version to the fetch location as well as what kind of fetch to do. The RRC file consists of the following pieces of information:

Component Release Component
Location Archive
ACCRUL Accrul 9.1.0 BASE CORE 0 \\sitefs1\Archive\Accrul\Core\Accrul 9.1.0\ DISK

A experienced technician can create an RRC file from scratch or by editing an RRC file from an existing release. You can find the RRC file located in the _ConfigBuild directory in the release archive, please read the instructions next to the RRC file on how to adopt it for your environments.

The ability to specify more than one version of a component in your RRC file is a very powerful feature. Consider the following example, which shows a portion of an RRC file.

Component Release Component
Location Archive
ACCRUL Accrul 9.1.0 BASE CORE 0 \\sitefs1\Archive\Accrul\Core\Accrul 9.1.0\ DISK
ACCRUL Accrul 9.1.0-XX BASE XX 0 \\sitefs1\Archive\Accrul\XX\Accrul 9.1.0-XX\ DISK

In this example, XX designates a customized release. Since the Configuration Builder can fetch multiple versions of a component in a specified order, the tool can create overlays, where the component of the first release type in the fetch order list is fetched and subsequent fetches will overwrite files in the <workspace catalog>\components folder.