Verify Locations

This is the first form in the IFS Installer wizard.
When the tool is started from the <build_home> use the Browse button to create and select a location for your IFS Home (<ifs_home>).

Verify Locations


  1. Verify that the values are correct for your installation
    Parameter Description Alternatives/Suggestion
    <build_home>  The top folder for the Build Home from where you started the Installer. NA
  2. Browse, or write directly in the field, where you want the location for your IFS Home (<ifs_home>). If you enter the path to folder that doesn't exist, you will be prompted if you want to create a new folder at that path.
    Windows: C:\ifs
    Linux/Unix: /opt/ifs
  3. Click Next


If all fields have a value and you click Next, then the Installer will jump to the next form.
To close the program click Exit.
Manually delete any files on the <ifs_home>