Background Processing in PSO Integration Framework

Included within the IFS Planning and Scheduling Optimization (PSO) Integration Framework are a number of background processes.  These include Database Tasks and PSO Integration specific Batch Queues.

Read more about the PSO Integration.


Database Tasks

The following database tasks are included in IFS Applications to manage the PSO Integration.

Task Name Description
Send PSO Integration Dataset Updates Sends the Full Load or Change per PSO Integration Dataset. The suggested schedule is based on the related model based on the type.

For Dynamic or Appointment datasets the suggested schedule is every 10 minutes
For Reactive datasets the suggested schedule is every hour
For Static or Plan datasets the suggested schedule is daily at 23:59
For all other datasets the suggested schedule is every hour

The first time the database task is executed a Full Load is sent. The subsequent times a Change is sent.

The Task is enabled on setting the PSO Integration Dataset Active.
Clean Up PSO Integration Logs Removes PSO Integration Logs that are older than x days. Suggested number of days is 7.

The Task is enabled by default.


The Task "Send PSO Integration dataset updates" will be processed by the Batch Queue PSO Integration Queue.

PSO Integration Batch Queue

The PSO Integration Queues handle the sending of IFS Applications scheduling data to IFS PSO.


More information on Batch Queue Configuration can be found here.