Set up actions for Allowable Configuration events

2 standard events are available for use by Allowable Configuration. Actions can be setup for these events to inform relevant users about the occurrence of the event.

The concept of events and actions is described on the Events page. Allowable Configuration related events with actions to be set up are as follows:

Description: New IPC Change Revision document has been uploaded. This event triggers when a new IPC revision is created and the status changes to Ready for Analysis. This means the IPC Revision is ready for the partner to download and start analyzing. A possible usage of this event to setup an email action to inform the partner about this event.

Description: Error when uploading IPC Change Suggestions. This event triggers if and when the upload of an IPC change suggestions document ends up in an error status after processing. A possible usage of this event to setup an email action to inform the partner about this event.

In setting up the event,