Setting up the supported IFS Version in IFS Maintenix

To use IFS APP 10 Allowable Configuration with Maintenix, you need to set up the 'SUPPORTED_IFS_VERSION' configuration parameter with the value 'APP10'.

By default, the configuration parameter value is 'LATEST'. Following are the steps to change the configuration parameter value.

  1. Login to the IFS Maintenix database.
  2. Search for PARM_NAME in the table UTL_CONFIG_PARM.
  3. Alter PARM_VALUE to 'APP10'.

After changing the parameter value, you need to refresh the configuration parameters to make changes effective. To do that, login to the IFS Maintenix application and follow the below steps.

  1. Navigate to Reference then select My User Detail.
  2. Select the administrative role that you will carry out operations in Allowable Configuration.
  3. Go To-Do Lists tab, select a to-do list.
  4. On the Buttons tab, assign the button Refresh Configuration Parameters.
  5. Go to your to-do list and click Refresh Configuration Parameters button.