Master Configuration

The Master configuration defines what data should be replicated to different Replicas.


Replication Groups

A replication group is a group of receivers that share a configuration and thus receives exactly the same data.

Open the Replication folder.

  1. Open Master Configuration / Replication Group. There should be a least two replication groups in the navigator. One group should be connected to the Master and must be empty. The other group(s) should be connected to one or more Replicas.
  2. Select a Replication Group and press RMB.
    1. Choose Insert Replication Object Definition… on the menu.
    2. Connect a Replication Object to the Replication Group.
    3. Use the RMB function and connect all replication objects that should be replicated to the Replica(s) in the replication group.
  3. Select each Replication Object and each LU and check that the attributes On_New and On_Modify are properly checked.
  4. Select the Replication Group and check the right pane in the window. The window can contain one ore more conditions to be meet before any data is replicated. If there are no conditions all data in the replication objects connected to the replication group are replicated to the Replica(s) in the group. If a conditions is entered the condition will be part of the trigger(s) generated for the replication object. The condition must be in a PL/SQL understandable format.

    E.g. :new.<column_name> = value. String values have to be surrounded by single quotes.

Note 1! A Replica can be part of several replication groups and a Replication Object can be connected to several replication groups. Avoid configurations where a Replica is part of several replication groups where some replication objects is present in more then one group. This will not generate any errors but it will generate unnecessary Connectivity messages.

Sending the Replication configuration

When the Replication configuration for all the replication groups are finished the configuration should be sent to all the Replicas. The configuration will be installed in the Replicas repository and used for configuration of receiving replicated objects.

Open the Replication folder.

  1. Open Replication Object Definitions.
    1. Select a Replication Object and press RMB.
    2. Choose Send Replication Configuration… on the menu. It is possible to send the configuration to a selected Receiver or a select Replication Group. If none is selected the configuration is sent to all participating sites.

    Note!. When the network configuration is received at a participating site its repository will be updated.

Open the Connectivity folder.

  1. Open Out Message Box. There should be one or more messages with Class Id = IFS_REPLICATION_CONFIGURATION and Application Message Id = CONFIGURATION. If  State = Accepted the Replica has received the message.

Creating and installing triggers and packages

When the Replication configuration for all the replication groups are finished all triggers and packages must be generated and installed on the Master. As soon as the triggers and packages are installed replication will start. If the background processes are not running replication data will be queued in the replication queue table. When the background processes are started data will be replicated to the participating sites.

Open the Replication folder.

  1. Open Replication Object Definitions.
    1. Select a Replication Object and press RMB.
    2. Choose Create Triggers… on the menu.
    3. Create triggers for each replication object using the trigger template (Template_BO_TRG.cre).
  2. Open Replication Object Definitions.
    1. Select a Replication Object and press RMB.
    2. Choose Create Send Package… on the menu.
    3. Create a package for each replication object using the package templates (Template_BOS.api and Template_BOS.apy).

Note! There may be errors when installing triggers due to references to view columns in the triggers. If this is the case go back to the Replication Object Definition and check the configuration. Any view columns that don’t have a corresponding table column with the same name must have a table column name entered in Table Key Name. Enter the table column name that corresponds the view column name or if there is no corresponding table column any valid table column name (a replicated column).