Replication LU Conditions



When a Logical unit selected in the Master Configuration/Replication Group, the right pane shows the replication conditions and configuration information for the logical unit.




The condition checkboxes control when  the logical unit will be received. When New Allowed is checked any data from a sender in the receive group where logical unit operation is New is accepted. When Modify Allowed is checked data where operation is Modify is accepted.

Method: is the name of a method used to modify the attribute string before the data is updating the database. The procedure call interface is Package.Method(receive_group_ in varchar2, replication_object_ in varchar2, lu_name_ in varchar2, local_operation_ in varchar2, attr_ in out varchar2, na_ in out varchar2). Value of local_operation_ is NEW or MODIFY. Value of na_ is the same as attr_. It is not presently used.

New Method: is the name of an alternate method used instead of the standard New method.

Modify Method: is the name of an alternate method used instead of the standard Modify method.

New Method and Modify Method must have the same call interface as the standard methods, i.e. Package.Method(info_, objid_, objversion_, attr_, action_).

Spread Column: is the name of a key column on which data should be inserted with different values.

Spread Value: is a comma-separated list of values that should be used when data is inserted or updated.

If Spread Column is COMPANY and Spread Value is 10,20,30,40 then the replicated value of the COMPANY column is substituted with the spread values and for each value an insert or update is made. The received value in the spread column is never used to update the database.