Restore Archived Data

When restoring archived data from data archive destination SQL File, it is recommended to use Oracle’s tool SQL*Plus. It is also recommended to restore archived data into temporary tables first and then move it to production tables with SQL statements. The archive SQL File does not include any transaction mechanism, so one archiving execution to data archive destination SQL File is handled as one transaction in the file. To avoid very large transactions it is possible to set auto commit on in SQL*Plus, but then it is not one transaction per instance of data archive object and it is not possible to do a full rollback.

If the archive destination is an Oracle table, it is possible to restore archived data from archive tables back to production tables within the Restore Archived Data form. This is found in the Solution Manager / Administration / Data Archive folder. In this form you select a Data Archive Object. Query for the archived master rows by selecting columns and possible also set a where condition and click on Execute. Select the rows in Archived Data result to restore and right-click and select option Restore to restore the data from archive tables to source tables.

Restore moves the data archive object data from data archive destination tables to archive source tables. Restore also removes the data from the destination tables.

Note: It might be impossible to restore archived data after an upgrade of IFS Applications.
One reason for this can be that mandatory columns have been added to the involved tables after the data was archived.


Column Description
Archive Object Id Data archive object id.
Archive Table Name Name of the data archive object master table.
DB Link Data base link used to point to the archive tables from the source tables.
Description Description for data archive object master table.
Execute Execute the query against data archive object master table.
Columns Existing columns in data archive object master table. Mark those that should be included in the query.
Where Clause Where clause for the query against the data archive object master table.
Archived Data The result from the query against data archive object master table.


Method Description
Restore Restores the data archive objects data for the selected master row from archive tables to source tables.