Troubleshooting errors in Large Volume Media Archiving

Below is a list of common problems that may occur when configuring media archiving along with their respective solutions.

Connection related errors

Communication related errors

Configuration errors in cloned environments

  1. Get a copy of the archived items from the respective archive (Azure Blob/Oracle File Storage)
    1. If the archiving is done on the Azure Blob Storage, create a new container in Azure and copy the archived items to the new container.
    2. If the archiving is done on the Oracle File storage, create a new folder (local or network) that can be accessed from the Oracle server and copy the archived items to the new location.
  2. In the Media Archives window change the values in the Archive Location, Azure Account Name, Azure Container Name, Azure Account Key, Azure Wallet Path, and/or Azure Wallet Password fields as per the newly created archive.