Migration Job/Method List

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Use this window to add, modify or remove methods you want to execute during your migration job. By method, we mean standard IFS New__ and Modify__ procedures stored in Logical Units in the database. You may also use user-defined methods or start other job entries from this window. This window is only used for source migration jobs.



Prefix Option:  The column Column Name in the mapping tab will be prefixed according to value in PrefixOption if the column is not a key column:

Sequence View Name Prefix Option View Column Column Name in Mapping tab Comment
10 SALES_PART NoPrefix DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION No prefix. Column names will not be repeated in Mapping tab
10 SALES_PART ViewName DESCRIPTION SALES_PART.DESCRIPTION Prefix with view name. If DESCRIPTION occurs in other methods, but with different view names, it will occur once per view name. Note that key columns will not be prefixed, thus only occur once in the Mapping tab.
Before insert, enter values as shown here.

View name will be concatenated with execute_seq to make unique occurrences of all columns. View name in MethodList will be refreshed with new value after insert.

This Prefix Option is useful if you need to run the same method more than once, but with diffent column values. For example  CUSTOMER_INFO_COMM_METHOD where you may insert rows for both Fax and Phone.


Method Name: Here are some examples of available combinations :

View Name Action Method Name Comment
  BeforeLoop Intface_Header_API.Start_Job This will start another job before main loop in this job is executed. To specify name of the job to be started, you must use RMB 'Method List Attribute..' and enter the Job ID in column 'FixedValue' for column INTFACE_NAME. This method does not return info about success or failure, and main job will continue even if error occurred on first job.
  BeforeLoop Intface_Header_API.Start_Job_From_Server Setup is the same as above. This procedure returns info about failure, and will stop any further processing if any errors occurred.
  BeforeLoop Fa_Object_API.Post_Import_Trans__ Post imported transactions before new imports to FIXASS, f.ex.
Values for IN-parameters must be entered manually from RMB 'Method List Attribute..'
INVENTORY_PART InLoop Inventory_Part_API Standard INSERT or UPDATE.
If you only enter ViewName and then perform COMMIT, you will by default get the name of the LU, but no methods specified in Method Name. In addition, both columns 'OnNew' and 'OnModify' will be checked. This will result in a standard New__ or Modify__ depending on whether the record exists or not. This will have same effect as earlier definitions with 2 separate methods for Modify__ and New__.
From RMB 'Method List Attribute..' you may choose which column should be present on the attribute string, or if they should have a fixed value.
  InLoop Inventory_Part_API.Modify_Purch_Leadtime The IN-parameters of this method will be available under folder 'Source Mapping', and you may assign values in same manner as for other columns.
  InLoop Customer_Order_Line_API.Remove__ OOPS! Do you really want to delete rows ? If you're serious about this, make sure you've mapped correct values to OBJID_/OBJVERSION_ and that your main select has a Where-clause that is consistent with your intentions !!
  AfterLoop Intface_Header_API.Start_Job_From_Server Same as BeforeLoop, but with a slight difference : If error occurs on this job, it is the setting of Rule IGNOREXEERROR that decides whether the main job shall continue or not.

Modify:  Procedure interfaces:

Action Type of method Attribute layout Comments
InLoop User-defined procedure INFO^^ATTR1^^ATTR2^^ATTR3^^
To a user-defined procedure inside main loop, we always parse the complete attribute string from the SELECT. Since this attribute string may be longer than 2000 characters, which is limit for dynamic SQL, we must divide it into pieces of 2000 chars. Inside the user-defined procedure, first step must be to concatenate the 5 attribute-pieces back to a complete attribute string.
User defined procedures inside loop must have these parameters :

( info_    IN OUT VARCHAR2,
  attr1_   IN          VARCHAR2,
  attr2_   IN          VARCHAR2,
  attr3_   IN          VARCHAR2,
  attr4_   IN          VARCHAR2,
  attr5_   IN          VARCHAR2 )

Here the INFO- variable is used for error-messages. Code EXCEPTIONS at end of your procedure and put error message in the info_ variable, and it will be handled accordingly to rule IGNOREXEERROR.

The attribute string should NOT be edited.
Start another migration job (Intface_Header_API.Start_Job) INFO^^INTFACE_NAME^^ For a standard Data Migration Procedure, the parameter list is always

( info_               IN OUT VARCHAR2,
  intface_name_ IN          VARCHAR2 )

You may only edit the attribute string to add value to an item, e.g. add the name of the migration job you want to execute
Start a user-defined procedure INFO^^INTFACE_NAME^^ User-defined procedures must have the same parameter list as a standard procedure (see previous step).
Any value added to item INFO or INTFACE_NAME will be parsed on to the procedure.
The INFO variable is not connected to any error-handling, but any return-value here will be added to main info-variable shown at end of job.


Column Value:  Here are some examples :

Column Value examples Method will be executed only..
Blank (no value) .. when specified column IS NULL
% .. when specified column IS NOT NULL (any value)
A% .. when value of specified column starts with capital a
TRUE .. when value of specified column equals 'TRUE'