Permission Sets Detail/Summary Page

Summary page

The Permission Set detail page is the entry point for managing Permission Sets for IFS Aurena. The detail page contains functionality to create and delete Permission Sets. The detail page also allows editing between End User Role and Functional Role.

Summary Tabs

Tabs on Summary page

The lists under each tab summarizes the permissions that are granted to this Permission Set either directly or indirectly through other Permission Sets.

Example of Permission Set Structure

In the lists there will be one row for each time the item has been granted. In a list of projections granted to Permission Set A in the above picture, the same projection could be granted directly to both A and D for example, and would then appear twice in the list. Also, as demonstrated by Permission Set E in the picture, it could be that a Permission Set gets granted twice to another Permission Set.

Record Sub-Menu

Permission Set Record Sub-Menu

To the left of the page is the record sub-menu for navigation to pages to manage grants for the Permission Set.