Setup BR Navigator

Information Sources are normally defined in default folders in the BR Navigator during the installation. This is handled by component specific INS files which means that Information Sources can be made directly accessible in the Information Source Navigator in IFS Business Reporter.

Configuration of the BR Navigator according to customer needs is handled in the BR Navigator page.

The BR Navigator is represented as a tree view and the Information Sources are connected as its branches. The following is supported:

  1. Creating a new node/folder
  2. Renaming a node/folder
  3. Removing a node/folder
  4. Adding an Information Source to a node/folder
  5. Changing the display name of an Information Source in the tree, i.e. the leaf name.
  6. Removing an Information Source from the tree.

Some limitations:


Default Information Source Folder

A component that owns Information Sources, can define a default BR Navigator folder name for its Information Sources, so that they appear in the Information Source Navigator in IFS Business Reporter directly after the installation.

Please refer to Develop Facts.

Note: Only available in an installation with a valid IFS Development License

Add/Remove Folder

Add a folder by simply using standard new action in the BR Navigator - IFS Business Reporter list page that appears when the tree is accessed. Provide a Name and then <Save>.

Figure 1:Adding a new folder in the BR Navigator

To remove a folder, select the folder in the right hand list and use standard remove action. Removing a folder requires that all connected Information Sources have been removed.

Add/Remove Information Sources

The Information Sources added via the BR Navigator feature will be shown in the Select Information Sources dialog in the IFS Business Reporter client.

To add an Information Source, choose an existing folder or create a new one. There are two possibilities:

  1. Alternative 1
    1. Select the folder in the right hand side list that shows all available folders.
    2. Use Add Information Sources command that will open an assistant that lists unconnected Information Sources.
    3. Select Information Sources to be added, verify and finish.
  2. Alternative 2
    1. Click on the folder in the tree
    2. A page showing all Information Sources currently connected to the folder will be displayed.
    3. Use Add Information Sources command that will open an assistant that lists unconnected Information Sources.
    4. Select Information Sources to be added, verify and finish.


The BR Navigator displays the all available Information Sources. However when IFS Business Reporter is opened it will only display the Information Sources that have been granted to the current user.

Note: Adding Information Sources to the navigator is normally handled automatically during installation. Manual handling of the navigator is normally only necessary in order to customize the navigator according to some special needs.

To remove an Information Source from a folder, select the required Information Source and use standard <remove>

Rename Folder/Information Source name

To rename a folder:


To rename the Information Source display name: