Business Reporter - System Parameters

This page describes system parameters related to IFS Business Reporter.

There are two main types of system parameters, Mandatory and Optional, both accessible in the same form.



System parameters related to IFS Business Reporter are found in the BR System Parameters page.

Mandatory Parameters

Mandatory parameters are essential for IFS Business Reporter to function properly.    

Parameter Name Description
IEE Feature for Previewing BR Reports IFS Business Reporter specific reports ordered via Order Report in IFS Applications can be viewed within IFS Enterprise Explorer (IEE). To do this it is necessary to enable the IFS Business Reporter Report Viewer, i.e. by using this parameter.
Possible Values are [*/ifswin:Ifs.Application.BAReportViewer.BAReportViewer]
If the parameter value is modified and saved, it will be necessary to restart IEE for the new value to take effect.

NOTE: The viewer functionality is not available in IFS Aurena
Location of the satellite assemblies Defines a public share that contains satellite assemblies to be used by IFS Business Reporter when refreshing its translations. IFS Business Reporter does not support automatic download of translations, by Microsoft defined in so called satellite assemblies. To be able to add new translations, typically adding a new language, to IFS Business Reporter, it is necessary to make the translation assemblies available. This is handled by defining a public share from where the assemblies can be downloaded.

The share is defined as
\\<machine>\<folder>\  e.g. \\lkprnd221\assemblies\

For more information please refer to IFS Business Reporter Translation Guideline

Note: Only available in an installation with a IFS Development License

Root directory for Business Reporter online help Defines the root directory for IFS Business Reporter on-line help.

Can either be a direct folder reference as e.g. D:\IfsBrRoot\BrHelp if the help files have been downloaded to disk or a https location if a web server is used, e.g. https://<machine_full_path>:<port>/ifsdoc/documentation

The base should point to an address one level above the language folder. The path en/bacli/EndUserHelpGuide should be below the base, since it is fixed.

URL for IFS Aurena Client Defines the URL, full path, to the IFS Aurena client that represents the current environment. The URL is used by IFS Business Reporter when performing so called URL navigation, i.e. opening a specific page in IFS Aurena from a detailed report in IFS Business Reporter.

If the parameter is not set, then no Aurena URL options will be available in IFS Business Reporter.

The template parameter value is defined as:

A practical example might look like this:

The URL is found in the address field in the current browser.

NOTE: This parameter only supports the Aurena client

URL for IFS Enterprise Explorer Defines the URL, full path, to the IFS Enterprise Explorer client that represents the current environment. The URL is used by IFS Business Reporter when performing so called URL navigation, i.e. opening a specific form in IFS Enterprise Explorer from a detailed report in IFS Business Reporter.

If the parameter is not set, then no IEE URL options will be available in IFS Business Reporter.

The template parameter value is defined as:

A practical example might look like this: https://lkpgse1723,

One way of finding the URL is to use the Address in Properties dialog for the link to IFS Enterprise Explorer on the accurate environment page.

NOTE: This parameter only support the IEE client

Optional Parameters

The following IFS Business Reporter parameters are optional to configure. The default settings should be enough for most cases.

Parameter Name Description
Allow nested repeaters Specifies whether to allow nested basic repeaters for unconnected dimension items in IFS Business Reporter.
Default value is FALSE.
Enabling nested basic repeaters in a design row, can lead to slow performance.
Lifetime in days for archived reports Specifies the cleanup age limit in days for reports stored in the IFS Business Reporter Export Archive.
The default value is 30 days.

The archive is typically used to store executed IFS Business Reporter reports when performing export of non-IFS Business Reporter to someone that does not have IFS Business Reporter installed. The receiver typically fills in information in the Excel file before sending it back to IFS Applications for import and write back. The original file at the time of export must be available in the archive to be able to handle the import. Thus the lifetime limit must be set to that there is no risk that required original reports are removed by a built in cleanup functionality.

Lifetime in days for reports archived in IFS Applications Specifies the cleanup age limit in days for IFS Business Reporter specific reports archived in IFS Applications.
Default value is 100 days.
Max number of rows to retrieve during report execution This specifies the maximum number of rows to retrieve for one data set (one SELECT statement). The purpose is to avoid total deadlock if a query due to some reason will retrieve a huge number of rows.
Default value is 65000.
Maximum number of repeating sheets allowed in report output Specifies the default number of sheets when using Sheet Repeater functionality in IFS Business Reporter. A warning message will appear in IFS Business Reporter if the supplied limit is about to be exceeded. For improved usability, the warning message can be ignored. The parameter only has impact when a report is executed from the IFS Business Reporter client. If a report is executed via IFS Business Reporter Execution Server then this parameter will not be used.
Default value is 50
Usage of Business Reporter Execution Server Specifies whether IFS Business Reporter Execution Server is used for rendering of IFS Business Reporter reports in order to reduce the time for the report rendering process.
Default value is NO.

If the value ONLY_FOR_SCHEDULED_REPORTS is used the IFS Business Reporter Execution Server will only render scheduled reports.
When the value FOR_ALL_INFO_SERVICES_REPORTS is used, both online and scheduled reports will be rendered with the IFS Business Reporter Execution Server.